Episode 11

Social Entrepreneurship for Impact with Michelle Sutherland

Social entrepreneurship is a concept that combines business principles with a focus on creating positive social and environmental impact. It goes beyond traditional entrepreneurship, which is primarily driven by profit and personal gain. Instead, social entrepreneurs aim to address societal issues and make a difference in the world through their ventures.

Michelle Sutherland, a social entrepreneur herself, embodies the spirit of embracing social entrepreneurship for impact. In her journey, she has built multiple businesses with the intention of creating a positive impact on people, communities, and the planet. Her approach is grounded in the belief that entrepreneurship can be a force for good, and that businesses have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of society.

In this episode of the Thriving Woman Project podcast, Michelle and I discuss the importance of co-creating and working together. Michelle shares her journey as an entrepreneur and how she prioritises making a positive impact on people, the community, and the planet. 

We also delve into the concept of social enterprises and how they can empower individuals to make a difference. If you're looking for inspiration and practical tips on thriving in all areas of your life, health, and business, this episode is a must-listen. 

Join us as we explore the project of you and how you can level up and thrive.

Michelle Sutherland website 

Michelle's power of 8 programme

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Welcome to the Thriving Woman Project podcast, hosted by myself, Wendy Griffith. This is the podcast for women who want to level up and thrive in all areas of your life, health, and business. Join us as we cover a range of topics, all inspiring you to thrive and not just survive. We are here to work on the project of you, because I believe the best gift you can give your family in the world is a healthy and thriving you. It's time to thrive. Hello everybody and welcome back to this episode of the Thriving Woman Project Podcast. And I am so excited to bring you today's guest, which is the lovely Michelle Sutherland, who is one of my business besties, someone I look up to, admire so much for I think just really the way that you embrace life and the way that you make sort of your business, your health, your life, it all fits together so synergistically and it's just so inspiring to watch your journey and I just know the listeners are going to get so much from hearing from you today. So welcome, Michelle.


Hello. Hi, everyone. It's so great to be here. Thanks for having me.

And this must feel a bit weird for you because you have your own incredible I've got your back the podcast. And so now the roles are reversed. I've got you on.

I kind of like when it changes up and you're the person just going to ask questions. I think sometimes it's easier. You're just like, yeah, okay, I can answer that, you know, so it's good to mix things up.


And also, it's quite cool getting like a whole little segment to talk about yourself. Like we don't often get to talk about ourselves, so that's quite cool. Although I do know you are a very humble person, so But yeah, I'm excited to get stuck into the content today. So just before we get going, just tell the listeners a little bit about yourself, your background, like all the things we need to know about you.

Well, so obviously, my name is Michelle, I call myself a social entrepreneur, which some of you may have not heard of before, but essentially, I am an entrepreneur that really really thinks about the businesses and the projects and the people that I work with and for me it's really about anything that I do from an entrepreneurial point of view has to have a positive social environmental impact or a positive impact on people or my community or the planet. So I've really grown into that. It's not like I've been there for like all my years in my career, but it's something that I've grown into. So that is what I do. So I have multiple businesses with that intention in mind. In terms of where I come from, originally from a small town called Paisley, outside Glasgow in Scotland. Definitely a person who had a sort of, from a young age, about 15 years old, had this sort of curiosity about what was outside of Paisley, what was outside of a small town, and travel and different things. And for me, I've always had ambitions to travel the world, meet different cultures, meet different people. I lived in Australia for 12 years, so I actually do have two passports. I'm a squazzie, as I like to say, and I've just returned after living in Australia for over a decade, because my heart pulled me back to Scotland to I feel as if, you know, I've gone all around the houses, done all these amazing projects and work and had an amazing experience in Australia and got to see and experience so many amazing things. And it's almost bringing all of that wisdom and knowledge and experience back to Scotland, back to my roots, to really make a positive impact here with everything that I know. So, thanks for asking, Aman. And at the moment, I know I've been working with you, Wendy, on this, but I'm really working on my work for this year, which is simplicity. So being really clear on what I'm doing, what I'm offering. So right now I'm really focusing on four different ways of being of service to people, because I have learned a lot and I know I've got a lot of value and education to give. And I really believe education, when you educate people on certain things, it can be so empowering. And so for me, it's just about I've got my main business I've had for 14 and a half years with Arbonne. So essentially, I help people with wellness programs and products. I help people start a business with Arbonne if that is what they choose to do. I also help people become B Corp certified, which is through my company, DFINITY. And not only do we do that, but we also educate young people about social entrepreneurship and B Corp. And lastly, the power of a well-being program is something that I've literally just launched. But that's my fourth thing. That's my fourth thing for this year. And yeah, that's a little bit of me and what I'm working on at the moment.


It's amazing. And I want to touch on the social entrepreneurship and the B Corp, because I think that's something that's so pivotal and key now in the world. Like we have changed so much. We've become sort of such conscious consumers and I know that you're really passionate about that and I loved all your messaging sort of over the festive period where you were just sort of challenging people, I think, to really think about like, is this a necessary spend? Do I need to buy more? Do I need all the things? And just getting people to think more consciously about their sort of footprint, their impact on the world, all that kind of thing. I love the fact that you have two passports because I have two passports myself. So, welcome to the two passport club. Although, I don't know. I mean, I just call myself a Saffa, which is a South African. I need to come up with a quote like Skazi, but like a South African Brit. Yeah, I'm not really anything on the top of my head there. But no, it's so interesting because I think as well, like you'll probably appreciate like your hearts in two places. Like I absolutely love, you know, being able to call two places home. Although now I have consciously shifted to saying, you know, I'm going back to South Africa to visit and then I'm coming back home because I think psychologically for me for so many years, it was really this pull emotionally for me where I was like, I'm going home, but it was like, but this is my home and where's my home and, you know, all that kind of thing. I just know that, you know, you meet so many incredible people and I often challenge myself to think, right, if someone said, like, waved a magic wand tomorrow and you could just be back in South Africa, you know, living in Cape Town where I choose to live and have all, you know, and I'd be like, but I wouldn't want to not have England because, you know, and all the experiences and, but I think that just contributes to having a really rich life and all those different things, those amazing people. you're connected with people and have, you know, your business across the world now.


Yeah, and I just see it on that about home, you know, I read this once and it said, you know, sometimes home is two eyes looking back at you. And I think that's really powerful because sometimes we think about physical places and the world being home. I mean, I mean, basically from an idealistic point of view, the whole world's our home. Planet Earth is our home because that's where we're born. It just so happens to be human in different countries. But essentially, if you think of it in a bigger context, it's like the whole planet's our home. So whenever we end up with two eyes in front of us and in a warm heart that's I think that's where we're at.

And also I think it gives us that ownership as you say because planet Earth is our home and that's why it's so important for us to you know have a positive impact in the place that we are ever that might be and I know that's a huge passion of yours so yeah I mean talk to me a little bit more about the social entrepreneur side of things and I know that you're doing amazing stuff in Scotland and you're on boards and all sorts of things and just that sort of B Corp journey because a lot of people still maybe don't know about B Corp but maybe they kind of shop and they're seeing the logo on things and they're like what's B Corp?


Yeah I mean essentially B Corp is you know in a very simple term it's a third-party certification that measures a company's social and environmental impact. across every single area of their business, from their governance, their strategy, their mission, to how they treat their employees, their workers, to the impact they have on community, the suppliers that they choose to use, to the environmental impact of them delivering that service or product, so the energy usage, the water usage. How many acting customers do they have you know really good customer service so it is really looking across the entire company and it is known to be very rigorous you know i have helped multiple businesses go through this and it is rigorous and it is the work and it does take time but. What I found from a business point of view is this framework, this assessment that you have to go through to become a B Corp, it's almost like a framework, a blueprint to create a really ethical business that really thinks about everyone, not just shareholders and giving money back to them as a return. I think we've moved we've moved a lot in business where you know it was very capitalistic where it was very much like make profit at all costs that's the sole purpose of a business whereas now we've evolved as humans and I think a lot of our values have changed and so you know building a business just for profit doesn't actually align with most people and anymore, whether you're aware of it or not, it just doesn't feel right. So it's making sure that, you know, B Corp is a framework and a movement and a community of businesses. There's 8,000 globally now, and we're coming together to really redefine and challenge what business is and what it means and it's trying to have more of a balance around your purpose, around the impact on people, the impact on community, the impact on the planet. So essentially from a business point of view that's what it is and it has really resonated with a lot of people. I'd say from like more of a consumer point of view like an everyday person like and I think it's not about like you said in the newsletters I was sending over Christmas is challenging like what we're spending money on and it's like not saying don't buy anything but it's just saying could you repurpose something, could you buy secondhand, could you actually buy something more quality that's going to last longer rather than buying something cheap. And I know like in certain situations that may be not affordable for a lot of people to go and buy something a bit more, but it's just really being more mindful about our choices. Yeah, you see like in vintage, you know, there's classy, there's a lot of stuff that's on there brand new, the labels on it that, you know, you get like half price, but it's it's never been worn or it's been worn once or twice. I mean, the reality is like especially especially in the fashion industry, you know, there there's way too much. And, you know, you only see a couple of images of certain countries where literally all of our waste in terms of clothes are dumped. into massive pits of land. And we just think, how can we do that? And I don't think most people realise where that ends up. The stuff that they're chucking out, even if it goes to charity shops, is actually too much. We have consumed and created way, way too much. And it's about making definite choices now. And I would just say, if you're a consumer, to look for that bee. It's like a little blank bee with a circle around it. like, because, and it's not, B Corp's reputation is not perfect, but I think I actually look for it now. We work with some service or if it's a product, because I just know that they're taking more care, that they are doing better than the average business. And so I think it really empowers people because you go, I'm going to put my money with companies that are doing good stuff or have a mission that have some sort of social purpose, you know, even social enterprises are in that space as well. And spending with social enterprising. These are like community businesses that really, you know, might be employing people with disadvantages and get into the workforce, you know, and are barriers to the workforce or they might be working in diversity. There's just all these elements that all these opportunities that we have as people to actually give money to other people that are doing good things. and to be more mindful about what we're doing.


I think that's so important because I think you know a lot of people are being so much more conscious maybe sort of eating less meat or you know, meat, food, mountaineering, being vegan because of the impact on the planet, but actually just in our consumerism of like stuff that is such that we can have an impact. Maybe when we live in a world where some feel like we don't have much control over the higher powers that be and everything. So yeah, looking for social enterprises is so important. Do you feel overwhelmed or just a bit stuck with how to market your online business? Maybe you've dabbled a bit or you followed various advice you've gleaned online, but something is still not clicking for you. If you're feeling unsure about how to reach your ideal clients so that you can serve and help them like you were called to do, then you may want to check out my Thriving Biz Club. This is my program for wellness business owners who are destined to grow a thriving online business. In it, we cover topics like branding and speaking to your ideal customer, selling on social media, creating your first automated funnel, and nurturing your growing online audience through email marketing. But what makes this extra special is the community and accountability that comes with it. Join us for ongoing support with our monthly coaching and co-working sessions, as well as our WhatsApp community where we share for accountability and take inspiration from others. We also become your personal cheerleaders in business. The Thriving Biz Club is the program I've created that I wish I'd had when I first started my business over a decade ago. To learn more, go to the link in the show notes of this episode, because you deserve to create a healthy, sustainable, and thriving online business without the stress and hustle. But I know for you, it's been a journey, like you have, you know, evolved so much as a person, you know, over the 14 years that I've known you now as a result of both of us meeting through our up on businesses. And like, I love following your wellness journey as well, because that's truly inspiring. And I know you've got some big goals for this year. You've got some big challenges that you have signed up to and all sorts, so you're always sort of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but those are the highlights of like all the great stuff that you're doing, but maybe we can just touch on sort of this next part on maybe sort of a time in your life where you were perhaps at sort of a really low place and it's not the highlight reel, the low light reel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Real life. Real life, exactly, exactly. Because we know that social media is the highlight reel of what you want people to see. So tell us more about sort of maybe a low point and how you maybe work to overcome that.


Yeah you know I know I've shared this with you and I've shared it on social media like pretty much nearly eight years ago to the month so this is my eighth year. I remember August 2016 I was literally on the floor in a heap with a broken relationship and I had very briefly split up with my ex and My health was at an all-time low. Financially, I was okay, but I'd say my habits around money were not great. I could earn money, but the way I spent it was not ideal, and I developed a lot of limiting beliefs from a really, really young age around money and having money. Actually, I didn't know how to invest and spend and put it in places that would make me money back. really like uneducated on that and I was literally living in my friend's spare bedroom and I just said all this stuff like when I talk about stuff I had boxes and bags and just an obscene amount of clothes and shoes and bags and I just felt so empty like I literally had broken my major intimate relationship and had come to an end. I was literally living in my friend's very driven. I had money coming in but I had bad financial habits about how I was spending that and I really wasn't into anything deeper beyond what I was doing so there was no sort of even though I was brought up Catholic, I didn't have a strong spiritual belief or like I believed in something bigger but I didn't deepen the inner me. I did feel as if there was much depth there now looking back. Honestly, I was just very broken. I just realized that at the end of that relationship, I was just in this pit and it seemed like every part of me was broken and it took that low point and I was sort of posting along thinking everything was fine but when I got on that floor I realised God how am I going to pick myself up from here and so I had a choice right so I had a choice like what to do and I thought and luckily and I think this is really important I had really good people around me so Alex who's actually is in my Arbonne team she came around to help me get off the floor and she recommended I watch this documentary, I'm Not Your Guru on Netflix by Tony Robbins. And I'd heard of Tony Robbins before but I'd never seen this insight as to how he really helped people through his sort of showcased event almost. And so I watched that documentary and I was so unbelievably inspired and moved by the work that he was doing with individuals at this event and I thought I'm just gonna Google and see when he's next in Sydney and Literally two weeks later. I was on the floor two weeks later. I was at his conference. Just no way fully blank honestly eyes open blown away every belief that I had every health So education, I had like, he literally went through, he went through this, the whole different parts of your wellbeing, what should I call now, like every single part. And he just like challenged every single thing that I was doing or had been doing up until that point. So then I decided from then, it was such a profound experience that I thought I am literally going to do a 180. And everything that I was doing, I just like, like lots of stuff, not all at the one time, but bit by bit. But I just shifted my mindset so, so quickly. It was just a really profound impact. So I would say to anyone that's never been here at Tony Robbins, I mean, I highly recommend it because it was just, it's one of these bucket list things that you would never experience in your life. And he's very, very unique in that way because he's been doing it for 30, 40 years. So from that point, and you know I just slowly but surely over the last eight years I've worked on all those different parts of myself like the health was the first one like I really wasn't eating the things that fueled me and I didn't realize the connection between what I put in my mouth actually gives me the energy to be able to do what I want to do. So there was a couple of key things I gave about alcohol the next year for the year and I've not drank since and I always wanted God to be there.


You weren't like right I'm giving up alcohol you were like right no yeah I'm not going to drink alcohol.

You know, I just like I'm just going to experiment. I'm just going to see. I'm going to commit to one year and see how I feel. And I was like, I wasn't a huge drinker, but I would normally drink during the week and then I'd go out and party at weekend. So it was almost like I saved everything for the weekend. But, you know, I remember just thinking, imagine what it could be like. Let's just experiment. And I think experiment is such a great word because it doesn't feel like hard. It's just like, oh, this is such a major challenge.

It's like, oh, I'm just going to see. Let's try.


And honestly, within a couple of months, I felt incredible. Planety, energy, just everything. I just felt as if for the first time I was actually fitting into the body I was given. Like my cheekbones started to come in, it was just all of a sudden my skin started to change, all that stuff started to happen and that's when I realised, wow, what I'm putting in my body matters. And so I very much focused on the health, but then I started to move into, because I was focused on that, I started going to bed earlier, getting up earlier. So that's the ripple effect that starts to happen. And then I started doing yoga and meditation. I'd never done yoga. I'd never done meditation. So I started going to a fit class. Then I was like, oh, I feel really good. So I started to really tap into my emotions. I was definitely in grief from the the previous relationships, I was working through the emotions, the learnings, all of those things, so I started to get more in touch with my emotions, I started to get a lot more spiritually connected to what I believe in, my values, I got so much more connected to my values, my friend circle started to change slightly because I wasn't drinking, I was getting up earlier, so I met all these new people that was really in the welfare space, so then they would share stuff with me and I would learn more. So it was just this ripple effect and then slowly but surely what I've realized over these eight years is that I've literally looked at every part of my well-being, so financial habits, health habits, relationship habits, and even environmental, like I would say that's probably been the last and that's what I've ended up totally changing my career because a lot of people say to me like, how come you don't be corporate, like we use unsustainability and I was like no, like I've never been unsustainability but what happened was as I started to look after my own well-being and you start to get into nature more so that was a part of my journey Then I started to realize, well, look at the amazingness of this planet, but look at what we're actually doing to it. So I started to really tune into the environmental impact that I was having as a person. I started to declutter. I started not to buy as much. I stopped buying. I started to buy secondhand, to gift. and to reuse and I just started all these environmental things and then again because you start to learn more in that space, you meet other people that are in that space too and so I met someone who knew about B Corp, told me about B Corp and I was like this is the best thing, this is the future of business like I need to learn about this so I literally went from zero knowledge And then three years later, I thought it was, yeah, maybe a year later, building a consultancy that helps companies do it. And I've learned all these things about sustainability, I don't know. So you can, so like even my career I've changed because once you sort of work on one part of your well-being, it sort of triggers the other, like I've got this wheel and it's almost like once you do one thing and you're like, so once you start to be more open and curious, you start to meet people in that space. then those people inspire you, so then intellectually you start to form, which is another part of your well-being, actually. And then, you know, all the different parts of your well-being feed one another and that's why it's so important to look holistically, rather than, I just see people focus on fitness or they just focus on their career, but they have no relationship, you know, they don't have a meaningful relationship and they maybe want a family and they're just focused on their career. So it's like, how can you start to tune in? And it's not about changing everything at the one time. It's just like a gradual shift. Yes of course and it's ongoing and it's even now I'm still learning things about myself and you know slightly changing different habits and things like fitness I'm getting more into more than I ever have because I'm actually enjoying the process of learning a new art of fitness that I've started dancing again like I had danced for 15 years 20 years you know teaching dance like using that other part of my brain so it's like the reason you feel well and energetic every day is because you're feeding all these different parts of your well-being. It's not just one or the other. I think that's so important.


I know, I mean, it's brilliant. I mean, that's that. I mean, you've just summarized in a nutshell what a health coach does is we look at all these different elements of a person's life. And that's the work I love doing because someone might come to me because, you know, they might want to lose weight or, you know, get healthier, but actually we have to look at other areas that are impacting and the habits and the limiting beliefs. There's so much underpinning why you are. I love that quote where it says, you know, who you are today is as a result of the decisions and the habits that you've made and that you've had up until now. And that's so true. So in order to do something different, you've got to shift those habits, you've got to shift those behavior patterns. that requires going deep and doing the work. And I just think sometimes people maybe feel stuck or they've been in the same place for a while. It's because, you know, they're scared. It's, you know, because it's pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I don't know if you've had that recently. And I loved what you shared on social media recently about sort of two things that are really pushing you out of your comfort zone this year. I mean, you've signed up to do the High Rocks Challenge, which some of you know about. It's definitely one I've got my eye on, but I'm like, It's a really incredible physical competition.

The most challenging fitness test that you could take on.

It's really just facing yourself, like you don't have to see it as, you know.


Yeah, it's just to see if you could actually do it, you know, for people that don't know it. It's one kilometer, then you do a workout station, you do eight different workout stations in eight kilometers. So it's one kilometer workout station, one kilometer. But it is like the workout station is like a thousand meters on a rower or burpees for like 500 meters or raw ball throws from like 75. Those look like a killer, killer, killer. And it's not the last exercise, it's just when you're really, really angry. Legs are burning when you're like, oh. Legs are burning, everything's gone and you're like, yeah, let's just chop this ball 75 times. So, you know, I do think it's important because, you know, nothing great ever comes from being in your comfort zone and you can't actually change. I think people always want to change and aspire to these things but you're not willing to challenge yourself that little bit or change a habit or try something different and really that's the only way that you're going to achieve the real things. you want to or experience different things and you know we as humans we only use a tiny like tiny tiny amount of our brains like it's unbelievable how much we don't use the full capacity and it's all about you know trying to challenge that trying to use a bit more of like your physical and your mind and I just love anything that challenges all those things because you're a far greater human once you work through that, and you know, despite what happens as outcome, like I'm not even interested in the outcome, what I'm interested in is the fact and willing to feel that fear, that sort of doubt, listen to that voice, you know, feel scared, the fact that I'm still feeling all of those things, they don't go away, but I'm still willing to move forward and step in there, you know, I'm still willing to put


Yeah, that's such a huge part of it because I think what people think is, oh gosh, there's fear, there's doubt, that means I mustn't do it. And it's like, no, you have to do it. You have to lean in. Obviously, it's about being sensible about that and making sure that you're staying safe. Because your brain is designed to make you feel safe, so of course it's going to say to you, you don't want to go out and exercise, you don't want to eat that healthy meal, you'd rather grab a macadamia or KFC, that's far more tasty. Your brain is always going to keep you safe and it's going to keep you in a comfort zone and safe options, so if your safe options and your comfort zone are those easy choices, Well, guess what? Your reticular activating system at the front of your brain is just going to keep showing you more of the comfort stuff, so you stay stuck and you don't move forward. I think that's so powerful. Just touching on that, I know recently you have launched your new Power of Eight program and that is really a program designed around these eight different elements that you have worked through systematically over the last eight years. incredible transformation and change in your life so that's something that you're now able to help others with.

Yeah and I feel like I wasn't expecting it as I've shared with you Indy but sometimes something comes to you like it's real intuition and something, an idea will just come and I think that comes because I've been working on cleaning.

You're so good at listening to your gut and listening to your intuition.


Yeah and it's I think when you get clear and you're feeding your gut the right stuff and you're feeding your mind the good stuff and you're in nature you know most days like you start to really like I get ideas all the time but some sometimes and as an entrepreneur I get ideas all the time and it's you know it's tricky but There's something that comes along and you cannot get rid of it and just every day it's coming. And I would say it's like God's work. It's like, here you go, here you go, here you go. This has been given to you. And it's always a choice whether you take one or not. And I think a lot of people get scared of that. becomes especially entrepreneurs especially or just everyday people like you know that this is niggling but you sort of ignore it. But I actually actively don't especially if it keeps on coming. So that was how the power of aid was formed because it kept coming every single day and I'd get another bit another bit that would make up the program and how it would work and what people were going to experience and who it would help and different things. So yeah I launched it last week. I launched it last week and it's essentially taking eight people, because this is the year of eight, so 2024 and eight. Eight means abundance, it means success, it means recognition for all the good work you've been doing, everything coming back to you, karmic, because of any karmic year being an eight. So when I looked into the numerology of eight, I was like, wow, this is so powerful. And eight is my favorite number because it's infinity. And I do believe in infinite growth. I believe that anyone can change, can evolve, can expand, anyone can do that but we're not always tapped into it and there are infinite possibilities and opportunities for anyone, absolutely anyone. And so I wanted to create this program to take eight people through the eight dimensions of well-being that I've worked through and they sort of key things, like share the key things in each of those But more importantly, work individually with these eight people and really personalize that dimension, those eight dimensions, because it may be that someone is flying in their career and is making good money, but their health is not working. So it's just about remember that individual as that comes to me. It's like, OK, let's really personalize this. And I think the reason I chose that as well, a lot of people out there are doing online programs for hundreds of people, I would much rather have deep, honest, real conversations and transformation one-on-one and do the deep work because I know when that happens those individuals will fly and they will go and make such a positive impact and that's what I want, that's what I want for these eight people is to look at all those dimensions and real personalized mentorship and guidance and a sounding board. It's something that has your back because I'm very big on that because a lot of the time when you're trying to change a lot of people around you at that moment in time don't have your back and they're going to try and pull you back rather than have your back. Right. So I want to be that person for people because I know throughout my last eight years There's been people that have had my back and that's why I've excelled in different things. It's not like we can't do things on our own. We're humans are here to co-create and to work together and to have each other's back a lot more. So yeah, there's eight people over eight months. completely personalised. There's lots of additions in there like I'm a coach through Fingerprint for Success, which is a tool that looks at your work attitudes and motivation. So if you are looking to maybe change your career, understand more about what you're wanting to do. I think a lot of people out there don't really or not really in careers they love. This is going to help you work out what you're motivated by. because everyone's motivated by different things. And again, that is completely personalized and unique. That's why it's called Fingerprint for Success, because everyone has a unique fingerprint. So we'll do a whole session on that. Yeah, there's like a game that's called Wishy that was made by a friend of mine. So you'll get that game, which helps. helps you work through, sort of gamifying your wishes and wants in life, and it's a really cool and sort of fun thing to do. You know, you can basically call me or text me in between sessions, it's completely open.


So it is doing some deep work, but I want a really comprehensive, holistic program. It's going to have such an impact.

Don't tell people now. Let it be a surprise. They have to go to the link in the show notes to find out.

I'm going to leave them dangling on that. But honestly, like, so, so much wisdom in what you shared, like, we could talk for hours and hours, like you and I, and we do quite regularly. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, ideas flying. But I think in the essence of it, like, why I wanted Thriving Women Project listeners to hear from you was just to hear that it is possible to have that transformation and also just to give themselves grace to take the pressure off to know that it's not just an instant fix. It's not an instant journey. It is an ongoing journey and evolution and if you commit to that ongoing personal growth and development and experimentation, I love that. Born today, like experimenting on things. It's just incredible to see the difference and the impact and you know from where you were eight years ago to now with your different businesses and the impact that you have and just living such a fulfilled, rich life. I know that can be a huge inspiration to so many of our listeners. So thank you so much for sharing all of that today. Like, where's the best place for people to find you? Obviously, I'm going to link to the Power of Eight program in the show notes, but where's the best place people can connect with you?


MichelleSutherland.co is my website. It's pretty much all my Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn channels. So MichelleSutherland.co is basically where I'm at.

Nice and easy for people. I love that. Like there's always that moment where people share and they're like and if you go over here and you have to do this and it's like ah. I'm like all about the simplicity. Michelle really practices what she teaches and I don't say preaches because she doesn't preach, she teaches. She's a heart-centered leader who's all about following your joy, your intuition, your gut and I just know that when you go and check out all her resources she's got an incredible like gifts on her website. She's got an incredible yoga nidra practice that you can download, which is incredible because actually, just to say this 20 minute yoga nidra, I'm actually going to put this in the show notes, the equivalence, it's the equivalent of two to three hours of deep sleep if you just do this 20 minute meditation of hers, which is just amazing. If you're ever feeling weary, that's the thing that you need. It's incredible. And yeah, all sorts of other amazing and I know you've got some exciting new resources coming out to help people with different sort of dimensions of their wellness and it's just going to be an incredible year. So thank you so, so much, Michelle. I know listeners will get so much news.


Thank you so much, Wendy. And thanks for having me. I really am grateful for you and everything you do to have my back and so many other women as well. So thank you.

Oh, thanks, guys. Thank you for joining me for today's episode. If you've got value from this, please won't you take two seconds to take a screenshot and share a pic of this episode on your socials? Extra points if you'd like to rate and review this podcast on your preferred platform so that we can share the love with more women wanting to thrive in their lives. Do be sure to visit my website, wendygriffith.co.uk to get all my free resources to support you on your thriving journey. Until next time, God bless, take care of yourself and keep thriving.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Thriving Woman Project
Thriving Woman Project
For women who want to thrive in all areas of their life, health & biz!

About your host

Profile picture for Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith is an award winning business women, with 20+ years experience working in the marketing and wellness industry.

In 2014, Wendy chose to step back from the corporate world to create a healthier lifestyle that would suit her personal and career goals.

Wendy teaches wellness biz owners how to grow a thriving online biz - and as an accredited Health & Menopause coach, she helps women to create sustainable healthy habits to meet the demands of their busy lives.

Wendy is a self-development enthusiast, foodie, novice veggie gardener with a love for the beach. You can also find her striding through the Norfolk countryside with her dog listening to the latest inspiring podcast.