Episode 6

This ONE thing doubled my business revenue in 2023! πŸ”₯

Dive into this week's episode dedicated to the heartbeat of business success – and it might not be what you think!

This ONE thing has doubled my business revenue in 2023, without having to work harder (just smarter) ... and that is: Email Marketing! πŸ’Œ 

Now before you roll your eyes at me ... did you know?

  • Over 99% of consumers check their email daily, making it a reliable channel to reach your target audience.
  • Email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media platforms.

Interested to learn more?

Discover why nurturing your email list is a game-changer for women entrepreneurs in the wellness sector. If you’re curious about setting up engaging funnels, crafting irresistible lead magnets, and mastering the art of creating email sequences that resonate with your audience, then this episode is for you!

Join me as I share insider tips on how to write email sequences that not only grab attention but also build lasting connections with your community.

Let's turn those clicks into clients and transform your email marketing game. Because in the world of wellness, your message deserves to shine as bright as your spirit. 🌟

Email Mastery Workshop - Wednesday 13th December, 14:00 GMT.

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Digital Marketing Essentials Guide

Thriving Biz Club - more info

Perimenopause 🌸

Thriving in Perimenopause Guide

Perimenopause Recipe Book


Welcome to the thriving woman project podcast hosted by myself Wendy Griffin. This is the podcast for women who want to level up and thrive in all areas of your life, health and business. Join us as we cover a range of topics, all inspiring you too quiet and not just survive. We are here to work on the projects of you. Because I believe the best gift you can give your family in the world is a healthy and thriving. It's time to thrive. And know that we thrive and welcome to episode six of season four of the thriving woman project podcast.


I'm your host Wendy and I'm so excited to get stuck in to today's topic with you which is the one thing that is going to massively explode your business in 2020 trust me you're gonna hear everything I have to tell you today because this has been an absolute game changer for me this year. And people say that we talk Game Changer but honestly, this one thing has revolutionized my business and has enabled me to more than double my income and revenue in my business in 2023. So this is why I thought right now as we sit here in December, this is something that I can teach you that you can then go on to implement from 2024 and massively grow your online business which I know so many of us want to do but we just need to understand the tools the tip the drapes and how to do it. So let's get stuck in today's episode. So the one thing what is that now?


Just worried that when I say this, you guys gonna roll your eyes and be like, ready? Seriously, but honestly, this is it. The one thing email marketing. Now this is something that you've probably heard from experts out there, you've seen things online, and it may be something that you've dabbled with in the past. Maybe you've got an email list sitting there that you haven't emailed in a very long time. Maybe you have zero subscribers on your list and you're thinking how, why what where do I even begin to stop? But just before I get stuck into the tips, tools and tricks today, I wanted to just share a little bit more about statistics of email marketing, because a lot of us will be on social media and we'll be doing all the things we'll be pursuing. But actually what really gets me is that I see it's impossible when a business person is incredible content and it goes nowhere, literally nowhere. There's no real call to action that is inviting people to engage with that maybe there's a sort of comment emoji below or DME or something like that. But that is not ultimately moving people to your social media channels and why that is so critically important is because we do not own our social media channels, Facebook, tik, Tok X, YouTube, they own our social media. Platforms, those platforms could go down tomorrow, your account could get hacked, it could be corrupted.


You know, I've seen people with 1000s and 1000s of followers literally suck and have to start again and start building that one way which is so much harder to do nowadays than it was in previous years. And so really when you have an email list, you have a collective of people which had raised their hand and said, I want to hear more from you. I will engage with what you have to say, put me on your list. What you have to say is valuable. I want to make sure I don't miss a thing. And why does it mean that you abandoned social media? Of course not social media is that conduit to get people onto your email list and when you consider that over 99% This is according to a recent study. I was I was checking out but 99% of consumers check their email daily, making it the most reliable channel to reach your target audience. Now, maybe not so much of your target audience is an 18 year old gen Y or whatever they call them nowadays, but email marketing has an average return of investment ROI of $42 for every $1 spent now.


This is what I love about emails is that it isn't an expensive solution and is a fantastic way to automate your business. I shared a bit more about why that is so important, especially if you're a busy woman juggling all the things all the things you gotta do in your business. That email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers then social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, Tik Tok, et cetera. So it really is just such a compelling opportunity. And like this is the best kept secret I feel because so many people aren't really Nagasaki people with hundreds of 1000s of followers on Instagram, with no like lead magnets call to actions opportunities for me to engage further and as interesting reasons because I've seen a lot of sort of implementers and Apollo starting up an email list so people are like, yes, give me five me I want to get from you more. And this is a place where you can really nurture and grow that audience that you have worked so hard to cultivate.


Through defining your niche in your branding, your messaging, your content, colors, all those good things. And this is a way that you can continue to nurture people because you know when I started marketing, gosh 20 years ago, and has since gone on to do more courses and further development. But one of the things we talked about is the rule of seven in marketing and that's that it takes on average seven exposures to messaging before people come to actually buy consume with you now the problem with today's world and the amount of sheer volume of noise on social media and different channels out there is that it's very hard to get there seven touch points and in fact, it actually takes more than 20 touch points nowadays before people buy from you. So email marketing is such an effective way to condense down those exposures especially if you're sending people like a weekly newsletter, comms tips, etc. allows you to have heard about ongoing relationship, build that know like and trust factor, and really be able to nurture your audience and you know, just to provide value to really show up and so they're not just, you know, the big worldwideweb on social media where you actually don't know who is really engaging with that content because you'll you'll know your proposal that you think is so great. And then you'll get like two lights on it.


And you think gosh, has anyone seen it? Well, people have seen it, but they haven't necessarily taken action on the web. With emails that is landing in people's inbox, you are getting their attention, you are getting their eyeballs on your stuff every week. So that is really, really powerful. Now, one of the ways that we can use email marketing to really automate and help us speed up those exposures and really just to gain more traction in our businesses is to set up funnels. Now. This word sometimes gets people clicking. But honestly, let me break it down for you. A funnel is just a way to move people from not knowing who you are to, hopefully eventually buying or purchasing from you in the future. Now, when we consider the conversion rates on any sort of online platform of the one to 2% 90% people are not going to buy from you. But 2% Well, and this is why it's so crucially important to grow your audience and my audience. I don't mean your social media followers, I mean people on your email list, and another cool stat for you is that you will make approximately $1 a quarter pound a month


for every person on your email list so that 500 That's about 500 pounds 1000 1000 pounds. You can do the math on the potential there and when you consider that even if you have an email list of 1000 people, which you know isn't it's an amazing achievement to have 1000 people an email list to put their hands up to hear from you. Fantastic. But when you consider that you already convert one to 2% of that audience. That's one to two sales, which means you can stop beating yourself up if people are not necessarily purchasing from you when you put your offer out. There. So when you consider your audience size, consider that that is the amount of people on your email that's not on your social media platforms. So say you have this request for you say 500 people email list, you'll earn approximately a pound or dollar depending for every person on your email list. So that's pretty cool. So grow your email list have 500 people on there that's an extra $500 in your bank account each month


approximately as long as you continue to nurture an argument actually put offers out there to them, which is the key thing. Now on the offer friends, so many people will launch things to the email list and they might not get the conversion rate that they hope for. But I was working through this the other day with one of my clients. She has around 300 People who email it and she wanted to sell a workshop it was really low ticket item and it didn't cost a lot for people and when we looked at a statistic, she had around 30 People that clicked on to her landing page with more information checkout page around that offer. And she had two people actually purchase a ticket. Now those statistics are actually spot on for those audience sizes. Because when you consider that one to 2% conversion, which we'll get our audience size, actually if you had a really great engagement rates about 10% or 300 subscribers, that people click through that 10% And then she had that once she was in conversion of those one to two


people that actually bought from her. So rather than think to herself, well, my office rubbish, no one loves me, I'll just really won't. It's actually that she needs to really focus on growing her email list and a strategy around that. So what we've done is we've put together a strategy for her for next year, which is going to offer a quarterly workshop because she works in styling with women. And that is driving people to come to that workshop it won't be paid for wouldn't be a free event. And from that driving people into the email list, she will then be able to offer her program as part of that workshop. So you need to think strategically about how you're gonna get people onto your email list. And this is where creating a funnel and what's called a lead magnets is so crucial. So lead magnet is a way that you can collect people's email addresses for offering them some free valuable information. So my podcast is a lead magnet for me because people will listen to it. I'll direct into the show notes where they can go they can click download, etc register, whatever it is that I'm offering for people. And that is a way that I can grow my email list.


Other ways you can do that you can offer a free guide so I'll link to these in the show notes give you a few examples of some of mine so I have a free recipe ebook for women wanting to thrive more in perimenopause. I also have a free digital marketing masterclass, which I've I've mentioned on here before, and it's actually something that's really good for you to actually listen to off the back of this. So go check it out. And


when people enter their email address, they will get delivered a sequence of emails from me with that resource. And a couple of follow up emails with some maybe some further tips further resources that I can point them to and really it just builds that know like and trust the value and it really positions me as that expert that go to on that subject matter and gives me an opportunity to really share more, serve my audience and just really cultivate that trust with them so that when I'm in a position that I want to sell to them want to offer to them, they're already warmed up. They're not just like, Oh, who's this windy character, you know, out of the blue, etc. And there's a few little ways that you can optimize the emails, which I'll share later on in the show just to give you a few tips on how to write your email, subject lines, all that kind of thing. But really, you want to be thinking about what is a pain point


that I can solve for my audience right now. So for me I know that women and perimenopause you know really struggle with energy, you know, brain fog, all those kinds of things. So what I've done is pulled together some of my favorite favorite family friendly recipes for them. And I've also included my meal planning templates to really help them to save time meal planning each week. So I know that something that when I spend 10 minutes doing it, it saves me a good two hours during the week. So that's something I want to share with our audience. So that's something I've pulled together in my Canva account, and you can download some fantastic free templates. That doesn't tip for you if you do not have the time or capacity or brainpower to create your own lead magnet is you can hop onto something like Etsy and you can buy a template of something relating to your industry.


And you can actually look for something that says PLR rights so that gives you the ability to buy that that lead magnet or resource or whatever it is downloaded. You'll then be given a link where you can add that to your Canva and actually customize it with your own branding colors etc. Which is a great way for you then to download that position yourself as the expert and offer that resource out of people. So it's not about you having to like come up with some amazing, crazy idea. It's just about being able to really offer value to people. So my meal planning templates are one of my most downloaded resources because I am offering the gift of time to very time poor women who need help, they need to save time they associate that what's for dinner every night question they get from their families. And this is an easy way that I can help them with that. And then I can follow up with further resources to support and help them with that and further tips and perimenopause, etc, and then ultimately leading into my main offering. Do you feel overwhelmed or just a bit stuck with how to market your online business? Maybe you've dabbled a bit or you've followed various advice you've gleaned online if something is still not clicking for you.


If you're feeling unsure about how to reach your ideal client so that you can serve and help them like you were called to do then you may want to check out my thriving this club. This is my program for wellness business owners who are destined to grow a thriving online business. In it we cover topics like branding, and speaking to your ideal customer selling on social media creating your first automated funnel and nurturing your growing online audience through email boxing. But what makes this extra special is the community and accountability that comes with it. Join us for ongoing support with our monthly coaching and co working sessions as well as our WhatsApp community where we share for accountability and take inspiration from others.


We also become your personal cheerleaders in business. The thriving this club is the program I've created that I wish I'd had when I first started my business over a decade ago. To learn more go to the link in the show notes of this episode, because you deserve to create a healthy, sustainable and thriving online business without the stress and hassle. So in case you're wondering about, like what are the tools that you actually use to do all this? I have something very exciting to tell you about so next week 13th of December at two o'clock I'm going to be doing a free email mastery workshop online to help you with all of this I'm actually going to be showing you step by step how to use my all in one system which I use for my business. So in that workshop we're going to start with you know how to start and implement that email marketing strategy. We'll talk about Top Tips for maximizing your email marketing and easy strategies to actually get you started and thriving on your journey.


And then as I say, I'm going to go into a step by step of how I actually use and my email marketing how I actually would set up a form, how it connects a lead magnet to it, how I would deliver it. So how creates what's called a workflow sequence that then automatically delivers emails to people and how I use this in my business. And I actually use a tool which I absolutely love called Flow debt. And I actually have a really great discount code for you which I can give you which will actually help you just get 50% off your first year to actually use it. You can do a 30 day free trial, then you can use that system to really implement and bring all of these things that we're talking about to life. So this workshop will leave you empowered with the tools, the tips, the know how you know how to actually implement your email marketing strategy and whether or not this is the right thing for


you and your business in 2024. I certainly know For me this has been such a great way for me to automate a lot of the things in my business because I don't know about you, but you know, sometimes it can feel really overwhelming for me thinking am I doing all the right things? You know, am I am I actually effectively marketing my business and I always say to my clients measure your success by how many people you're adding into your world every week and we do this through these different funnels that we set up and maybe it's that you just want to set up one basic funnel to begin with, which is great. Always start with the first step. And then you can go on to add further funnels to your marketing mix just to really bring that to life. And obviously keep it exciting and interesting for you.


Because once you start doing this, it's so fun. And then I get to the end of every week and I think right, how many people have joined my email list this week. And that is a real indicator of future success because I know I remember coming back to however many people on my email list that is obviously going to help me with higher conversion rates when I do put an offer out and it's also going to help me with the you know, every day making sales and generating revenue in my business. You know that one pound for every person on my email list. So, if you are someone who is perhaps struggling with overwhelm in your business, or you're thinking, gosh, like I just really need to like free up headspace to actually get on and do the day to day of your work.


Email marketing is a fantastic way to automate your business. Now that doesn't mean you don't do any work. Obviously there's going to be work in the setup of this. But once it's set up it is set up to work for you and bring people into your world nurturing them. And then all you're doing is what I always recommend that weekly newsletter to your email audience, nurturing them. It's not that you can upload an offer to them every week and be all spammy, spammy. You weren't like that before you started email marketing. You certainly aren't gonna become like that just because you do email marketing. But it's going to be a way that you can nurture people continue to position yourself as an authority expert in your space, and just continue to nurture people because I always loved those emails that are open where there's a little bit of realness or vulnerability, and I love people sharing their top tips with me and just sort of helping me with sort of the everyday stuff. And that just really


builds that reciprocity with people so that when you do have something that you want to sell them or offer them, it's not going to be just Oh, who does she think she is just coming in and selling to me, you know, you've actually nurtured and warmed up that audience. So in terms of and this is what we're going to cover a lot more in the email mastery workshop. so go to the link in my show notes and get yourself booked on that workshop because I am very excited to bring that to you. it's gonna be how 30 minutes to really get you set up with your email marketing for 2024 in that we're going to talk about things like how to write effective emails because you might be thinking, No, and I'm gonna give you a little top tips like using chat GPT to help you using magic right and your Canva, which you may not even know is there but once you do, you'll never go.


deadlines and using my acronyms and systems for the body of your email text and I'm going to share one of those tips with you today because I want to and I just think you need to know this. So one of my tips is P A 's problem agitate solution. So when you come to sit down and you come to write your email, think about firstly, reverse engineering, what is the solution you want to offer them so maybe it's that you want to direct them to read a blog or listen to a podcast or you know, download a lead magnet or maybe connect with you reply to you, whatever it is, then think about what is the problem that their person is facing right now. And that's what you really want to get across in the first part of your email. So you know what, for example, if someone was to, you know, download my recipe guide, for example, the first thing I'm going to ask them is you know, are you somebody who is struggling with, you know, what, to what to make for dinner every night? Do you sort of get to the end of a busy day?


And you think to yourself, oh my goodness, what is for dinner tonight? Like? Those are problems that people in my audience have. So they're going to be sitting there like a naughty dog or Yes, yes, that's me. That's me. And that's when I can say, this is why I've created this recipe guide for you to give you easy, quick 20 minute dinners to get on the table at the end of a busy day. Yes, please. Thank you so much. Where do you download, download, download, you know, and then it's thinking about, you know, agitating that further and thinking well, you know, it's great, healthy recipes, but how do you actually get into a routine with this and this is where meal planning comes in. And I can talk about agitating that problem further. It's like, you know, do you often struggle with you know, getting those meals out this sort of free well and good to have a recipe guide, but actually, what is the system?


What is the strategy to actually getting those meals out every week and making sure that you actually have the ingredients and not running down into the corner shop to get them every every time you've got to make dinner and that's where the meal planning comes in. So I can agitate that problem more for them and direct them to again, download the recipe book because in it, my free email sorry for all that my free are in my free email, you're gonna get that but you're gonna get my meal planning templates as part of that as well. So these are just little ways that you can really start to connect with your audience through you know, identifying the problem, agitating it a bit further really getting stuck into the pain points for them. And then offering your solution to them. So that's a really handy acronym that you can use. When you're writing your your emails, just write PHS scribble out a few points against that acronym. And there you go, you're good to go. And then make sure that you have a really compelling email subject line. You know, something like, you know, what's for dinner tonight. And then the sort of the pre text so that could be the bane of adulting is this question or something like that? Or, you know, are you struggling to figure out what to make for dinner every night? Question mark and an emoji emojis are a really fantastic way to personalize customize, and they actually show that they get a higher open rate. And on the case of open rates, I just wanted to share with you that an industry standard for an email open rate and you might not think this is very high,


but it tends to sit around the 18 to 20% Mark, but in terms of those emails, once you start building a targeted audience of people that are interested in your topic, then actually those email rates start to creep up and if you're if you're getting anywhere above 30% You are absolutely rocking your email marketing so well done. So that is something to look out for. And then the other thing you want to look at is click through rate. So those, again, industry standards around one to 2% of our people actually clicking through. So actually if you're getting anything higher than that, again, you're absolutely smashing it when it comes to your email marketing. So I really hope those tips that I've shared with you today will really inspire and encourage you to consider email marketing, if you already haven't. And even if you've maybe dabbled a bit actually really commit to this as a strategy


for your business in 2024. Because nowadays, it's it's really about how we set ourselves apart in the business world from the rest of everyone who was just, you know, showing up posting on social media hoping for the best throwing stuff at the wall hoping up the stack. This is actually showing a really professional, cultivated way that you are nurturing and growing your audience where you've really put thought and clarity into it and actually it stops it becomes such a great repurposing exercise. So for me, when I sit down to write my wheaty, Friday five, I think of you know, what are the what are the five things that have really been helping me to thrive this week, I'll go through my phone, my stories, whatever it is, and I'll share them but actually that content now becomes, you know, social media posts for the following week or post for my Facebook group. So ended up repurposing that content and making sure that it appears in multiple different places so that I'm repurposing it's not that I'm having to think of new content from social media new content for my email marketing, new content, plus, you know,


it's all consolidated and repurposed and it just creates such a professional, streamlined, you know, impression that people get of your business and more than anything for me, it just makes it simple. It just keeps it automated. It keeps it flowing. I love sitting down to write my way to email. I love being able to sit down and serve my audience really helped them. So how would just really encourage you if you're sitting on the fence about whether or not to get stuck into email marketing, do it those statistics around consumers nice notice and checking the emails every day, the ROI, the return on investment with emails being so so so much higher and more significant in social media? Ready? Do you need any more than that? But if you do come along to my email,


my free workshop next week where I'm going to be getting sucked into this and if you listen to this episode of YouTube, be sure to note that I'm sure I will say to up at some point in the funnel of that recording or guide or something to help you with email marketing. So just reach out to me drop me a DM and I'll make sure that you get the resources to be able to support you on your email marketing journey. So yes, do get registered for that. Share it with a business bestie sharing is caring after all. And just on that note, I really want to thank you so much for all your recent ratings and reviews, especially on Apple podcasts. It really helps us get the podcast out to more women in wellness, who are needing support and help their businesses. So I really appreciate you taking those two seconds. I know you're really really busy, but it does mean the world to me, and I really appreciate it. So thank you so much. So let's make 24 hours thriving isn't business because we've adopted the strategies of email marketing.


So yes, you may want to go back and listen today's episode, write some more notes about animals. Think about your lead magnets, maybe check out Etsy or Pinterest for other ideas of things that people have done. And when you come to my workshop, you'll learn how to actually start the funnel set up your emails go into more, you know copywriting tips like the PDFs that I told you subject lines, all that kind of thing using track GBC and reading books to explode your business in 2024. So until next episode, take care drivers and I will speak to you soon. Thank you for joining me for today's episode. If you got value from this, please take two seconds to take screenshot and share this episode on your social points. If you'd like to rate and review this podcast on your preferred platform


so that we can get more women wanting to brighten their lives. Do be sure to visit my website when you register credit UK to get all my free resources to support you on your private journey. Until next time, God Bless take care of yourself and keep thriving.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Thriving Woman Project
Thriving Woman Project
For women who want to thrive in all areas of their life, health & biz!

About your host

Profile picture for Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith is an award winning business women, with 20+ years experience working in the marketing and wellness industry.

In 2014, Wendy chose to step back from the corporate world to create a healthier lifestyle that would suit her personal and career goals.

Wendy teaches wellness biz owners how to grow a thriving online biz - and as an accredited Health & Menopause coach, she helps women to create sustainable healthy habits to meet the demands of their busy lives.

Wendy is a self-development enthusiast, foodie, novice veggie gardener with a love for the beach. You can also find her striding through the Norfolk countryside with her dog listening to the latest inspiring podcast.