Episode 11

How to build an online business: The online opportunity for women today

I love going behind the scenes with working mums who really inspire me with how they juggle their careers and motherhood. Which is why I wanted to introduce you to my friend Carly Meyers, who I feel is the epitome of a healthy & thriving career mum.

Over the last 9 years, she has built 2 six-figure businesses and reached the top 1% of leaders in the social marketing industry worldwide and is now the CEO of Girls Building Empires. She has coached hundreds of others to build their own online business and has a relentless passion for helping women reach places in their own personal and business growth that they never even thought possible.

She is the host of the female entrepreneur podcast 'Made For More'. A motivational speaker and trainer. And the proudest mum to her 2 kids Frankie and Margot. 

Running her businesses around her 2 kids under the age of 3 she has figured out how to work smart and is obsessed with helping people earn more while working less. 

So if you’re curious about passive income, network marketing and online opportunities, then this episode of the Healthy and Thriving Career Mums podcast is definitely a must-listen.

Useful Links

Carly Meyers’ Made for More podcast

Carly Meyers on Instagram

Girls Building Empires on Instagram

Carly Meyers on Facebook

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You're listening to the healthy and thriving career moms podcast where every week you will learn about healthier habits and hacks to create and support healthy and thriving lifestyle as a busy mom. I'm your host Wendy and I truly believe that the best gift you can give to your family and the world is a healthy thriving you let's dive in


m recording this in August of:


West End musicals and arenas around the world. And at the height of her success, her career was cut short when an injury meant she could no longer dance and was forced to completely start again. So she believes this injury is the best thing to happen to her as it through her direction of entrepreneurship and her true purpose. So the last nine years she has built two six figure businesses and reached the top 1% of leaders in the social marketing industry, and is now the CEO of girl building empires. She has coached hundreds of others to build their own online businesses and has a relentless passion for helping women reach places in their own personal and business growth that they've never even thought possible. So she's the host of the female entrepreneur podcast made for more a motivational speaker and trainer and the proudest moment to her two kids, Frankie and Margo, so running her two businesses around two kids under the age of three. She had really figured out how to work smart and she's obsessed with helping people earn more while working less.


So you can usually find her I know this eating cocoa puffs and watching selling sunset in the bath usually not at the same time. But Carly has some really amazing tips healthy habits and hacks. To share with you today. So without further ado, let's jump into the interview. So thank you so much for joining me today the lovely Carly. Ah, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. I'm so excited to have you. I'm such an avid listener of your amazing podcast. So this is just like oh, so good. to have you on unhealthy and thriving careers on this podcast because you to me are the epitome of that. Oh that's nice. Sometimes I feel like a sweaty mess just trying to juggle everything but that's good


about the fact that you were fighting with your Hoover just before you got on or vacuum with you, you know UK Hoover vacuum. Oh god, I can't very honestly just the kids like that just prank he gets a little digger and then decides to just pour all the dirt from outside in the middle of the lounge. And then he just like, stresses me out. I've got a sandpit and it was the worst thing I've ever done unless you Hoover five times a day. I got rid of that. sand pit it is now a vegetable garden. Which I found out that day trying to eat all the vegetables so I've got to deal with that tomorrow. Anyway, such as live so obviously you're a mom of two. I mean, two kids under three Are you mad?


Wow, it wasn't entirely planned. Probably wouldn't have chosen to do it that soon. But yeah, it's definitely a juggle. But I didn't know you just I don't know, either. Either way, you just kind of get on with it, don't you and I think loads of people always ask me like, how do you do so much when you've got two kids and how do you do it? And I just the main thing is, I think if you're really focused on what you're doing, you just always find the time to do it. I agree. That's the most important thing. I think if you're if it's if you don't have that buyer and you don't have that drive, then it feels like a chore to be working and building on building a business and stuff like that. It feels like oh god, that's such a slog. But actually that's the thing that I get so excited and that's what I look forward to you and I always like having chats about marketing and funnels and stuff. So obviously we know each other through our own businesses, but both of us have multiple businesses and obviously you and I share such a passion and a love for online marketing. Just talk to me about how your career has evolved because


it's obviously gone from Well, I'll let you tell everyone. Yeah, it was a it's a random evolution to be honest. And I actually feel like I've had like two lifetimes already. So I was professional dancer. And I was a dancer in like in western musicals. And that was like always the plan I was always just going to be a dancer. And then but do it I was a poor dancer. I was a very successful dancer in the height of my career, but I was like just never had any money. Never I was always doing like three jobs at the same time. And then I got injured in a dance in a dance and vision instantly stopped my dance career. And I just couldn't work. Obviously I couldn't dance but I couldn't even do my waitressing jobs or I couldn't even get on the tube to do my promo jobs and hand out flyers. So I realized I can't Well I didn't realize how vulnerable I'd left myself relying solely on my body and myself to earn an income so I was really dodged not like that. I wasn't sending my body. Very lovely body and lift but I really realized that wow, you know, if something happens to me, I can't get paid. And I can't go on like that. So that was when I was first introduced to the idea of passive income because when I first heard about network marketing, totally blew my mind. I was like, Oh, my goodness, there is a way that I don't have to trade time for money. And I remember in my in my dance career


when I was having those three jobs, just always getting to a point of like, I have not got enough money. I've got like three pounds 71 to last me for the rest of the month. And there are no more hours in the day that I can physically work like I can't call up the restaurant and say can you open a four o'clock so I can do a shift or you know, I just I couldn't work anymore and I just remember thinking how am I ever going to make enough to like not have three pounds 71 left Left the last week of the month and then that's when I yeah, really understood. trading your time for money understood passive income and just got completely hooked on it really and just went all in on my my life on that was reading a book Rich Dad Poor Dad because that was my light bulb when learning about passive income and but if you think about it's not our fault that we didn't know about it because the whole of society is configured to you know go into school, get a job, you know, the industrial age revolution, you know, you trade your time for money. But now with the digital age, the online platform I've seen in the last 10 years since I've been running my business how is dramatically transformed the lives of women in particular, which I'm obviously really passionate about serving with my community because it empowers women, it powers people like yourself, who are able to run multiple online


businesses and be present parents which was a big one for me when I was in my corporate career because it was like I was you know, it wasn't a poor dancer, but I was a well paid corporate worker who just was dead. Inside and thinking, how am I going to juggle this 60 hour work week around a family I don't want to have my kids off to somebody else to do the primary lion's share of the childcare. So that was my driver for looking at other ways but you're so right and, and so many people right now we'll be looking at how they can incorporate more earning into


the household. Yeah, well, especially like, obviously going into recession and going into the times that we're in. The question on everyone's mind is Well, there's two questions. There's one question between two people. One person is asking themselves, how can I make more money like how can I create more? The other person who's asking themselves how can I cut back and I just refuse to be that cut back person because all that happens is you cut back now and you get to a point you're like, Okay, I'm just about surviving. Then the cost of living goes up again. Then you cut back again and you cut back again. At some point, you have to switch that mindset and say, I need to learn how to be resourceful and create more. And the reason why it's so true. The reason why I actually am so excited about the time that we're in right now, and I feel so hopeful is that yes, we are


going into recession but we've never been in a time like this before. There's never been as many opportunities as we have right now. Where any single person with a phone or a laptop, whatever can say they've got skills, you don't even need a laptop. You literally need a phone, a little bit of Wi Fi. You can literally say I've got skills I've got experiences, I've had experiences in my life. I've got expertise, and I can turn that into something and sell it. I can sell what I have already inside my head. And that's I just think there's so many opportunities. There's so many ways you can earn an income and it's exciting. If you're so right. And I was reading the other day that they say now that you in order to like have the same lifestyle that you had a couple of months ago, you're going to need to earn four, five grand a year more in your household who can just suddenly go to their boss and say can I have five grand pay increase? Like that's not going to happen? Now? All the striking people are striking on pay cuts all that kind of thing that you know we're living in those times and that what like you I'm also hopeful because it's like more millionaires are made in a recession and in any other time. So certainly for the network marketing industry, which we're both a part of that industry. Always booms post recession. And that's actually when I started my business, but also the digital world. So let's talk about some of the online side of things because I know for you like your career has evolved into your podcast or online courses. Talk to me more about that side of things. Yeah, so the online education industry is crazy. By the way, I was like the worst student in school I was not you I would never ever put myself in any kind of education space. I was not that person. But


years exactly. And by:


to learn from them. And you can have a complete career pivot by following one of these online courses. And also you've got the people like me that I like, hold on. There are things that I'm really good at, that people really struggle with, and I think sometimes people think that because it comes so naturally to them. It's like why would anyone buy quartz about that? It's I don't either. I mean, I had the same thing in my business. And you know, I have digital products and courses and things as well now, but I remember at the time just feeling this complete impostor syndrome of life. Why would anyone pay me money? But, you know, I'm sure it's the same view. But people always come to me for advice, like, what would you do about this? What would you do about that? What you know, and so actually, we've all got so many incredible skills that we can monetize. And that is a major sign by the way, if someone is ever coming up to you and saying can I just pick your brains about something? Or do you mind if I just ask you a couple of questions or if they're if they keep coming up and your brains being picked by many of folk, then that is a really good sign that you should start an online course. And also, the feeling of impostor syndrome is so common and people think, like I need to be an expert. I need to know everything there is about podcasting for it. And of course on it. It's so not true. You actually just need to be one step ahead of the person that you're teaching. If you've genuinely done the thing, then you can genuinely teach someone else how to also do that thing. And there's so much more that go that people buy a poor score. It's not because who is like, it's not like who's the most knowledgeable person in his area. They're thinking, Who do I want to listen to for five modules? Like, whose energy do I like, whose vibe Do I like Who do I trust who's online courses over the years and when I look at who I bought from, it's because that person really appeals to me, and we're not gonna be everyone's cup of tea. But, you know, that's where, you know, building an audience of people and having that online presence. And I know, you've just had a really exciting, you know, whole sort of audience growth. spurts without I'll let you sort of tell tell the listeners all about your girls building empires.


Yeah, it's crazy, crazy little turn of events. So basically, I am I came across this guy who was in charge of his Instagram account called Girls building empires. He's got 2.39 was in charge of a girl. A company bought the Instagram account of a girl or a lot of money. So this girl said it. She didn't want anymore sold it to an incredible digital marketing company. They are honestly amazing at what they do. And this is a really interesting point. They're amazing at what they do, and a guy to get over and was like, I know what I can do with this. I know how I can turn it into like a massive business and blah, blah, blah. And basically, they were really struggling to turn into a business. And I knew the guy and I was saying, Look, I really think you need someone, for people to trust like they're not going to buy a course from someone if they don't trust it. They need to see the person. Yeah, take them through this process. And anyway, long story short, they said would you do it? So I was like, well, so yeah, so we're both and Yeah, and so now I'm literally the Yeah, so honestly, maybe it's a good title, isn't it? I really like it. But really interesting point that you can be so it goes back to what we were saying about the courses. They are definitely experts in their area. They are incredible at what they do. The thing that they were missing was


relatability piece, the connection, the personal brand, just want to know just the heart and the purpose behind it and I just said like you can't you have to have a person for people to think she is going to help me get to where I want to get to, and it's the energy. Like if I just think of like a mother poker or I think, you know, those types of accounts and I follow it's like, it is all fronted by a person who I know like and trust. You know, that that I feel connected to if it was just like random stuff. I didn't know that person. And it's funny because even when I wanted accounts where there's been sort of all these memes and quotes and things, it's like when that person behind that actually puts their face on the account. That's when I trusted it. Yeah, totally. It's so important. And what I would say is that anyone that's wanting to put themselves out there or starting a business or trying to you know, get something off the ground. You are your secret sauce you like you have to lead with you and don't lead with you. Like a version of you. That's kind of like someone else. I mean, like wholeheartedly you because when someone can see you showing up authentically as you that is when they trust that you're


the person for them. And it's such a key part of it, I think so you can have all the bells and whistles and all the fancy stuff. But ultimately, people want to know you and people want to trust you. And that's really you have become certainly for so many people I know in this industry but go to for all things have to recurring revenue like you are the go to girl. That's how I see you. I see you as that person who's like, I can teach you how to create multiple earning streams like that's, that's how I see you. So, on that note, I know that you have something really exciting coming up. And I love you to tell us about that. Yeah, I do have something so exciting. My own I honestly get so good at talking about this because I've been planning this since like, February. So basically it's a free four day challenge that is going to help you figure out what is already in your head skills you already have experiences you already have and turn them into a digital product that you can sell. The challenge is called How to Sell what you know, it's very to the point. But over the course of four days inside this free Facebook group. I'm going to be teaching you how to figure out what it is that you've already got. And you know what I do you can run with as a course idea who to actually sell that to who are the people that need that and how to find them. The third one is how to actually put that and structure into a course module. So if you're like I'm really good at this and you're like I'm going to teach you how to put it into the modules and then the third the fourth day is how to actually package that up into a product that you can sell. And then on the Monday after that the challenge actually starts this Monday following Monday after that is going to be a I'm doing a masterclass teaching all about how to create a six figure online course.


So basically, from this Monday coming up 22nd to the following on Monday. It's literally a crash course in all things, online courses passive income, how you can change your question wrong. How can I cut back to how can I create more I really hope that this inspires you to ask that other question, because we don't have to cut back. The day that we live in right now. We don't have to make those choices. And we can create so much more. The link is going to be are you going to put the link in and also it's going to say if you're listening to this in the future, like this is an episode about being inspired by multiple earning streams passive income. Kylie how she juggles mom live like you'll go follow her. I'll put all her links in the bio her girl's been an empire count as well as you can go on edge for like 2.3 million followers there. So she is Yeah, it's amazing. And then if you listen to the future, you'll be able to go on Carly's website, uncertain and be able to get her online course on how to do all of this, but she's Live, which is what's really exciting and why I wanted to get this bonus episode out now before our season three launches just so that you can take advantage of this incredible four day challenge. Because I'm going to be doing it even though I've already got digital products and online courses. I am excited because I feel like you're going to challenge me to think in a way that I haven't maybe thought about things before so I'm going to be personally going through the challenge. I can't wait like I feel the pressure now


I've got the funnel queen. No, not at all. I was like that's what I know is that we all teach. We all teach different things to each other so I'm very excited. We need to save you're also doing a bonus masterclass as well. Yes. Whether you listen to this now or in the future, I have a bonus you are a bonus. I have a bonus that yes, I'll be teaching in email marketing. Bonus class. So that's exciting. And yeah, but also just quickly before we go got a couple of quickfire questions I want to ask you because obviously this community is all about being healthy and thriving career mom and I truly believe that you can do both. Now one thing I'm always impressed by and especially when I follow you on Instagram because you do share the shots and the shiny like new sugarcoated is how you juggle it all with what you're very good at sort of setting your boundaries and your compartmentalizing with


are all other products by the way in case there was this and what are they talking about? We'll link all of this in the show notes. But yeah, I just I love hearing what you know a day in the life of another mom looks like how they juggle it and how they fit and healthy habits. How they how they do it. And I think every season like I've seen you grow as a person through the different seasons of having a newborn and then the son growing up and then having your daughter and then you heard Birdman and then you know your businesses and how they've evolved and as a piece of season so is and I think that's the most important thing to remember is that when everyone is striving for balance, you could feel like you're failing, but it's not actually I don't I don't believe that balance is an equal measure of everything. I think everything shifts all the time at some in some seasons.


The work is higher right now the work is higher. When I was just having my babies obviously the family time is higher, but what I believe in with balance is that there's your key touch points are there somewhere



know whether that's time with your partner, whether it's time with your family, whether it's time time going out with your friends, they're there in your month, somewhere at different ratios at different times. Like when you strive for that equal balance of everything, you're setting yourself up to fail and you just feel rubbish, because it's one of my mantras is like, Alan's as BS, because I just think nothing exists in balance, like nothing's growing nothing's. Whereas as you say, there's just different seasons and some periods of busyness and I've had that I'm in summer holidays at the moment. So it's much more family friends, you know, socializing then it is work that I know that I'm moving into a season come the new school year where I'll be full beast mode on work, because that's just the way that I structure my year and that's why having the flexibility of online and everything really works.


You got 100% Where do you you know, work your work around your life rather than the other way around, which so many people have to think of when can I take holiday? When can I do that, you know, all that kind of things. This is what the online platform the digital space allows us to do. So I'm excited for the challenge. Thank you so much for chatting to us. Oh, thank you. We're gonna absolutely be stalking you and looking at everything that you have to offer. And yeah, challenge. Thank you so much. Bye, everyone. Thank you for tuning in today. I'm so grateful for you. If this episode has resonated make sure you visit Wendy Griffith dot code at UK to discover more of my content and my fantastic free resources to support you and thriving or if you'd like to continue the conversation further. Drop me a DM by Instagram at Wendy rhythm live healthy. I'd love to hear from you. Until next time, keep thriving.

About the Podcast

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Thriving Woman Project
For women who want to thrive in all areas of their life, health & biz!

About your host

Profile picture for Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith is an award winning business women, with 20+ years experience working in the marketing and wellness industry.

In 2014, Wendy chose to step back from the corporate world to create a healthier lifestyle that would suit her personal and career goals.

Wendy teaches wellness biz owners how to grow a thriving online biz - and as an accredited Health & Menopause coach, she helps women to create sustainable healthy habits to meet the demands of their busy lives.

Wendy is a self-development enthusiast, foodie, novice veggie gardener with a love for the beach. You can also find her striding through the Norfolk countryside with her dog listening to the latest inspiring podcast.