Episode 4

Digital Marketing Essentials You Need For Your Business

Looking to supercharge your digital marketing game?

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the essentials of digital marketing, unveiling the secrets behind setting impactful goals 🎯, understanding your audience 👥, and crafting irresistible content. ✨

Get ready to transform your strategies, boost engagement, and witness real results! I take you step by step through my proven techniques to align your digital marketing objectives with your broader business vision, ensuring every effort leads to success.


🌟 Thriving Biz Club: Exciting news! I’m thrilled to introduce the Thriving Biz Club, a game-changing programme designed to equip wellness business owners with digital marketing prowess. Learn how to automate and scale your online business with the exclusive Thriving Biz framework. 

🔥 I also have an exciting Black Friday offer available until 30th November for joining the Thriving Biz Club - check it out HERE. 🔥

Ready to elevate your digital marketing game? Tune in now and embark on a journey to digital success!


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Digital Marketing Essentials - free class

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40 Healthy Recipes eBook

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Welcome to the thriving woman project podcast hosted by myself Wendy Griffith. This is the podcast for women who want to level up and thrive in all areas of your life. Help them business. Join us as we cover a range of topics, all inspiring you to quiet and not just survive. We are here to work on the projects of you. Because I believe the best gift you can give your family in the world is a healthy and thriving. It's time to thrive. Hello, hello


thriver and welcome to episode four of season four. Of the thriving woman project. So today we are gonna get stuck in to a business episode and really talking about the digital marketing essentials that you need in order to grow a thriving online business now as a digital marketing coach for women in the wellness space, this is something that I have personally had to learn how to evolve, how to move with the times over the past 10 years. And just to set the scene like I actually have a background in corporate marketing.


It's what I studied at university alongside psychology which is very helpful for marketing just FYI for anyone who might be listening in that younger generation. And so for me, when I was in my corporate marketing career, I could already see you know, this is going back 12 years ago now that things were starting to change and that attitudes were starting to shift and that we were moving into this online space. So fast forward a couple of years, from my corporate career into starting my own online business. I really started to learn all the sort of different methods of reaching out to people but it was still very, very heavily based on that sort of in person networking referrals etc. Which is fantastic, don't get me wrong and that still has its place. In this day and age. However, I started to recognize that people were moving more so to the online space social media was really starting to grow.


You know, when I look back at my sort of earlier Facebook posts is so cringy how we used to sort of date our status and do all the things and nowadays there's so many fantastic options around selling on social media and all sorts which we'll get stuck into a little bit today. So for me, it really was around three years ago, when the world as we know it changed forever. We were plunged into the pandemic. And my business at that point was 98% in person. And I've very, very quickly had to pivot to using online methods. So as well as sort of, you know, Googling and doing all the things I actually enrolled in some digital marketing courses, just to really bring my skills up to date.


And that's the thing things are always moving. So I just really want to encourage you if you are a business owner, that you always want to make sure that you're staying on the front foot with things that you are open that you're keeping an open mindset. Now that's not to say that if suddenly you've got a plan and then you know Tik Tok comes along and now you feel like you need to be dancing on Tik Tok, if that's not your style, but it is just being conscious of, you know, the way things are moving. So for example, two years ago, people were posting static images on Instagram. Nowadays, it's all about the video content. So it's always about evolving, so keeping the common principles of marketing, but how we move them along into the ever innovative online world and that's really what we're going to get stuck into today. So what I do now, day to day is really help business owners really make sense of their marketing message, who they talking to their brand, their niche, growing their online communities, nurturing that community and all the things that go with doing that. So that's really what we're gonna focus on today.


We're gonna get really stuck in to what those essentials are, and I really have a framework that I work with with my clients specifically in the thriving best club where we work through these different sort of modules of what you need to have in place to really have your digital marketing ducks in a row as such. But before we get stuck into that, I'm just going to pose the question to you because this is a really important one to know what are your goals for your business? Because I don't believe that you can create a marketing and content plan without knowing what your business strategy is. And this is where I see so many business owners specifically as well if they may be running a business alongside maybe a day to day job. That they're doing. And so, perhaps not applying sort of the principles that someone who's maybe just focused solely on running a business is thinking about to their business.


So it's thinking about, you know, what is it that you're wanting to do to sell to make money from because that is ultimately going to drive what you're going to need in terms of lead generation, what outreach methods you're going to need to have, how big your audience size is going to need to be and we're going to touch on that because that is a big one for people that they just missed such a trick on and thinking about, you know, what, what you're actually doing with your business, what are you actually selling? And you'll be surprised when I ask people this question how they sort of look at me and they're like, Well, I don't know, I'm just, you know, I'm putting out content because that's what they've been told, you know, all the free stuff online says add value, put out content, but actually not what to do with that and what does that mean, and how does that grow your community. So that's really what we're going to really get stuck into today. And I'm really passionate about this and how, you know, to build your community to build your content, you need to understand what it is that you're actually selling.


To take me as an example. I have a couple of different offerings. I enjoy passionate very proudly Hello ADHD, and that I'm a health coach. I have a health coaching practice in business. And alongside that I have a wellness business with Arbonne which provides the recommendations around supplements etc to my clients, but I also have a marketing digital marketing agency. And my core offering through that business is the thriving this club. So there's a program that I put together, pre recorded modules, and then there's the ongoing month to month support that people get, and that is something that I can offer out to people it's something that when I'm creating content, I'm thinking about, right what are the pain points of people, what are they struggling with, you know, thinking back to myself three years ago,


like what did I not know how to do? And that's always the thing with your marketing is getting into the heads of your ideal clients. But before we do that, we need to think about our audience. Who is that audience? What does that look like? Now? This is where people get a bit stuck because they think well, I can help everybody but the thing is, if you're marketing to everybody, you're marketing to nobody, literally, this is why you will see a lot of people nowadays really niching down so yes, I can help anybody who wants to grow an online business, but my speciality really lies in helping wellness business owners with how to build their business online. So it's really getting specific and clear. And that way I can speak very specifically to the pain point of that audience that I'm serving.


Now, who is that audience? I would always say go back to thinking where you were two to three years ago, even five years ago, maybe even one year ago. What were the things that you were struggling with in your life? People nowadays, you know, don't get me wrong, there's plenty of incredible teachers out there people who are creating courses, launching sort of online programs, offering incredible value, but they seem just too far ahead in the distance to unattainable. And so really, the value that we can bring in the online space is thinking about somebody that maybe was where we were two or three years ago, because we're just that bit further ahead of where they are. And we can really help them on that journey. While you know being aspirational, but at the same time, still relatable. You know, we're still going through the journey ourselves.


But we're teaching people because we're a bit further on in the journey. So think about what that looks like to you. You know, maybe for you. I was talking to a client the other day who really wants to help people flourish in their 60s. She's 62 years old. She has this really vibrant, fulfilled life and she really wants to help people not get stuck in that trap of just waiting for retirement basically she wants people to go out, reinvent themselves, you know, add fun and film into their lifestyle. So that's really what she is encouraging people to do to flourish in their 60s. So she's targeting that audience of people maybe in their late 50s are thinking, oh, you know, what am I going to do with the next decade of my life? That is her sweet spot of who she is serving in terms of her audience.


So it's really thinking about what your audience looks like and who you're serving and thinking about the value you can bring to them. But then it's also thinking about your audience size. Now, this is not your social media followers, unfortunately. Sorry. Especially if you have a lot of them. And I don't have a lot of them like and that's that's a whole other subject that we'll need to get onto in a different podcast episode, but really is thinking about who is actually on your email list, who has actually put their hand up and said, Yes, I want to engage with this person. I want to hear from you on a regular basis.


And I want to build that relationship with you and your community. That is where the gold lies, because did you know that you will only convert around one to 2% of your total email list. And another cool fact is that your may about $1 Call it a pound. I know it's not quite exactly equal, but you'll make around a pound for every person that is on your email list every month. So when you think of your email Size list right now, that could be zero, that could be 50. It could be 500 1000 2000. You'll see that that will translate it's really cool. And it's thinking about okay, so if I'm only converting people on my email list, how do I get people from my hold audience, which is that audience that sits over on social media where you don't really know who is actually engaging with your content? Who is reading it, until you actually get them engaging into your DMS onto your email list.


So, typically, business owners, I'll see they'll, you know, it's this 8020 Pareto law. 80% of that revenue that we're going to create in our business is really going to come from that 20% of like, our audience, that's the audience that when we put out an offer to our email list, they're like, yes, please, I want that. Now, let's go. But what we tend to do is we tend to spend, you know, only about 20% of our time on our audience and other maybe 30% on our warmer audience, so people that we may be sort of struck up a conversation with and we spend, you know, over 50% of our time working in that cold audience online, you know,


posting the social media reels and putting out blogs and all the things that we think and told that we need to do, but actually, that is not what's going to create the here and now revenue so if you're someone right now, your needs to generate income in your business, you need to get close to that hot audience. If you think about sort of a circle with those three layers, like the center of that epicenter is that hot audience? Those are the people that you can send personal messages to pick up the phone outreach get business and income into your bank account. And the biggest thing around this I really see is managing your mindset.


So much of building an audience and your business comes down to your mindset. Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see things as opportunities all the time because you're gonna have that up and down. You know, some days we like oh my gosh, bash again, I am the Business and other days, we're like, oh my gosh, they would love me. I'm just, I'm just gonna go back and get a real job. And so, really, it is about managing that mindset. But if you put the fundamental digital tools in place to support you, and you're continually adding people into that funnel, so that wider pool of people and a funnel is just essentially a


fancy way of moving people from basically not knowing you to hopefully ultimately at the end of the line buying from you and that process everything in between that is your funnel as such. So if you have systems and tools set up to support you in filling that funnel, nurturing that audience and delivering our sales at the end, you absolutely are moving your business forward every day because you the content that you're putting out the marketing plan that you have, is really designed to just keep filling the funnel, keep moving people along, because when you consider that conversion, that one to 2% 90% of people are not going to buy from you.


And when you can get cool with that, when you can understand that you're like Okay, so my job as a business owner is to show up make sure that my offer is clear, and it's speaking to people that it's resonating, and that is bringing people into my world every day. So I mentioned earlier that I have this framework that I work with in the thriving this club, which I'm really going to share with you today. And it comes down to having these fundamentals first up a defined brand. Now, with this, I'm not talking about like fancy logos and pretty images and all that kind of thing. A brand goes so much deeper than that.


A brand is who you are, who you speak to. How does it make your audience feel about you? What does it make them think about, you know, what does it inspire them to take action on? So maybe there's just some questions that you can jot down or listen back to this episode, make some notes. really my goal for you to come away from this episode is with some actionable tools and tracks to run on that you can go out and really start off in your business. The next is thinking about what you're offering is and this is where I see so many people fall down because they actually don't know what they're offering. They're just kind of throwing stuff at a wall hoping it will stick.


Just seeing what lands just testing stuff out. So they're not getting any traction or sales because people don't know what it is. That they're actually selling. So it's been very clear and I'm a big one for this my thriving this club ladies will laugh at me because I'm always just like reverse engineering, reverse engineer it. So what are you offering? And then we reverse engineer the process. What is the journey they go on? How is it that we're nurturing them? What does that funnel look like? And then that way we can track back to Okay, so


what is the content that you're putting out there? How is that attracting and growing your audience? So the next step is thinking about your funnel. Now, this doesn't have to be fancy and automated, like certainly down the line. That's something that you can aspire to, but at the very least it's having a process. We don't rise to the level of our goals we fall to the level of our systems, which is one of my favorite quotes by James clear who wrote the book atomic habits which I'd highly recommend you check out if you haven't already. And he speaks about this, you know, a system is something that you will do consistently every day.


So if you're not a fan of taking fancy systems, like you can just track the stuff in a spreadsheet track those conversations that engagement, but for me, I like to think I'm inherently lazy. And so I like to take the easy route and make sure that things are automated. So I have a number of lead magnets so they designed to attract people to me through value that I offer so I have things like my recipe book, my digital marketing masterclass, my perimenopause workshop, all different things that lead to people giving me their email address coming into my world. I deliver that lead magnet to them and provide some additional value through a follow up sequence email sequence that I deliver to them. And then they go into my weekly mailing lists, which is something that


I love writing every week, giving value really nurturing my audience and just continuing to build that relationship with them. So it's thinking about what is the pain point that you can solve? You know, for me, certainly with my recipe book, you know that whole what's for dinner every night like that is just the bane of adulting as far as I'm concerned thinking about what to make every night. So I've created my recipe ebook, you know, with 40 healthy, quick, family friendly easy recipes to make during the week with the bonus of some meal planning templates in there. Because I promise you do 10 minutes a meal planning you'll save yourself at least two to three hours a week in mental load and stress of what to eat. And that provides an instant hit of transformation for them.


It gives them instant relief, and it's the same kind of that acknowledgement of oh my goodness, if this is like the free value that when you provide Can you imagine the paid for stuff that she provides? So it's thinking about what that funnel looks like for you. Then it is that list building so that ties in with the funnel piece and I've already addressed that a bit. So thinking about adding people into your list, adding people into your funnel, how are you doing that? What is your mechanism for doing that? I love using a system called flow depth and I will link to that in the show notes. I'll give you a link to a free trial. And then actually if you decide to go ahead with using it a 50% discount off your first year just make sure you click the pay monthly option. on that.


And so, in that my clients can set up their forms where people input their name and email address. They can create their lead magnets with templates using AI and magic right in Canva. Create that tool download it and then upload it into a workflow within flow desk that will deliver so with triggers you know someone enters the email address, you assign it into the segment that they go into. They get the workflow sequence delivered to them some follow up emails, and then you can add them into your weekly email list which you can obviously set to go out every week. So that is just a way that I personally nurture people build that know like and trust me factor.


And then the social media side of things is where you're taking people from that cold audience, nurturing them encouraging them to engage with your content through your funnels your lead magnet and then bringing them into your world so that you can continue to nurture them because you know a sales cycle can take anywhere from you know, instantly, which is very rare, by the way to up to a year for people to purchase from you. So it's just being really conscious of that journey. And so this is where the continual nurturing of your email list is so so pivotal, the other thing that people grossly underestimate is building community.


You know, they used to say content is king, but that's not true. Community is king. You know, Never have we been a more connected world online but never have we felt more desperate and more lonely to building communities and that's why I've created the thriving woman project as a brand because I want to inspire women to thrive in all aspects of their health, their life, their businesses and careers. And so really, that's the umbrella under which I have my offerings. It's the umbrella under which I create content. It's the Facebook community.


It's the podcast community it's my weekly email. It's all around building the community around helping women to thrive in all areas of their life. So it's really thinking about, you know, what is your community? Who is your community, you know, how have you created that? What is that going to be? And what value and community can you bring to the world and really, when you start to get all these pieces fitting together, it actually becomes like, super fun and you can gamify it as well. So for me, when I go on to post anything on social media, I did it today I wasn't feeling particularly inspired. But you know, I went back in my phone pulled together some videos that I'd taken of me making some crispy fried potatoes. Anyone else have an absolute airfryer fiend.


So excited for Black Friday. I'm definitely gonna get myself another one. That for me, is you know, something I could share. sort of easy midweek, crispy fried potatoes, midweek meals. Share that on my social media. And also followed up with a call to action and very strong call to action around download my recipe book is gonna give you healthy inspiration, meal planners, etc, etc. And that was something I could then share my stories. I shared it on my different platforms this morning, you know, 30 minutes of marketing activity. This is development. And I've already had all people join my email list today.


And I just know that if I'm doing that kind of daily activity, adding people into my funnel into my email list, I know that eventually they're going to sort themselves out to where they need to be in my world, but they are going to be a part of my community. They are going to be invited to listen to my podcast, engage with my Facebook community, download my other resources, iMac courses, whatever it is that I'm offering, but all the while underpinned by the fact that I am giving them tremendous value with that because I really believe that you all listening to this podcast, deserve to grow healthy and thriving business that you enjoy, and that generates great profits because that's really what it's about, you know, there's no point in doing all these things that people tell you to do,


and actually just not hitting the mark for you. Now, there is I'm going to caveat this by saying there is always an element of you pushing yourself slightly out of your comfort zone with things. But as I say, if you're not someone who wants to show up and dance on tick tock, don't do it. Create content that resonates with you. Maybe I've got another client. She's like, Oh my goodness, I hate social media. But I love listening to podcasts and I love talking and I love writing emails. And that's what she has focused on with your business. And as a result of doing things that put her in a state of joy, her business is thriving as a result.


So that's really what I'm about is really helping you unlock your unique voice, your offering what it is that you want to bring to the world and then helping you you know, create a business and a marketing plan and strategy that really fits with you and your life. And what you want to do in terms of your goals for your business. And so really this is just where I love working in the thriving this club and I know you hear me talking about it on episodes, but that's because I'm so passionate about the power of this community that we've built. You know, it's so much more than just the framework that I teach you in terms of the core digital marketing essentials.


It's about the accountability. It's about the community. It's about the inspiration, the encouragement you know, on that group, we're always high fiving each other for the different things and sharing our wins and inspirations things that haven't worked things that have worked, and really just encouraging everybody in that community because they're all at different stages of their journey and it's a complete comparison free zone. That is like the number one rule of our WhatsApp group, no comparison. But it is really designed to give you all those marketing essentials around creating your brand social media content, building your funnel growing your list.


And so to enroll in that program, I'll link to it in the show notes. It's an incredibly competitive price for the fact that you get lifetime access and me as your digital marketing coach in your pocket quite literally. But I'm excited to also let you know that given that we are a day away from Black Friday, so if you're listening to this in the future, this episode is going out on the 22nd of November with Black Friday kicking off this Friday the 24th I am launching a special offer for the thriving this club. So that is 100 pound of the horse price the access to the program which also bags you a owners one to one strategy call with me worth 147 pounds additionally, so if you've been hearing about the thriving this club you've been thinking about, you know leveling up in your marketing especially as we head into 2024.


We have our monthly co working and coaching calls. So we've got that happening in December. We're doing January planning really to hit the ground running as well as business owners in January and not be sort of waking up in the new year going oh what am I doing what am I goals Oh, you have that all sorted and ready to roll and as quick as you want to work you know your system set up your funnels, you know growing your list, etc. All ready for you. So yes, make sure if you are interested in the thriving this club that you check that out because that offer is going to end on the 30th of November so be quick that's a week long, Black Friday special in November of 2023. And if you're listening in the future and the time has passed, just know that you will absolutely still be getting an amazing price as a thriving because this is just a little extra Brucey bonus, just for some of you that have maybe been sitting on the fence.


And as I say on the show notes, you can read more you can see other best plugs, testimonials, all sorts of things. And really just you know, get all your questions answered about whether or not this is the right program for you. So I hope this episode has inspired you today to take action with your digital marketing and really just to level up and leverage the power of online. You know, nowadays we have got, you know, an incredible opportunity to access millions of people from around the world, literally for free. For free. You know, we don't have to pay for this. We can use social media platforms we can use, you know, very inexpensive technology to really nurture our audiences to build that community. And I'm just so passionate about the power of creating multiple earning streams. Yesterday I was sitting in the car when my daughter was at her swimming lesson and literally I had three emails pinging one with you know, a referral fee payment for someone who had recommended


Flodesk to another was a Pay Pal for one of my low cost low ticket item downloads that I have. Another one was for somebody signing up with a thriving this club. That was all passive income where I did the work once and are being paid for it over and over again. So you know all those things really untruly add up and even if you're sitting in a day job right now and you're thinking, right, how can I do all these things? How can I learn how to do this? This is where the best club is there to support you and empower you to get all these things sorted. So I'm looking forward to seeing what you create. Do hit me up with any questions that you may have drop into my


DMs over on Instagram. And of course please share this episode far and wide to help and inspire other incredible wellness business owners with their marketing or any business owners for that matter. And I cannot wait to see everything that you create with your business in 2024. Until next week's episode I'll speak to you soon lovey Take care. Thank you for joining me for today's episode. If you got value from this, please won't you take two seconds to take a screenshot and share a pic of this episode on your socials, extra points if you'd like to rate and review this podcast on your preferred platform so that we can share the love with more women wanting to thrive in their lives. Do be sure to visit my website wendygriffith.co.uk


to get all my free resources to support you on your thriving journey. Until next time, God Bless take care of yourself and keep thriving.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Thriving Woman Project
Thriving Woman Project
For women who want to thrive in all areas of their life, health & biz!

About your host

Profile picture for Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith

Wendy is a certified Health & Wellness coach, specialising in peri menopause support for women. Wendy believes the best gift you can give your family and the world, is a healthy and thriving you!