Episode 13

Wellbeing Investments and Personal Growth with Rachel Chan

In this episode of The Thriving Woman Project, you’ll meet the formidable Rachel Chan - a digital creator who helps women to find their purpose, feel their best in their minds & bodies so that they can live a more confident life.

Rachel is a solo parent of 2 children, who has multiple business and earning streams - she is passionate about prioritising her wellbeing to manage her very full plate.

Dive in to this episode for top tips to thrive in all areas of your life, health and business. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Discovering your WHY - and how this changes through seasons 
  • Flexibility as a working mum
  • How to navigate the low points in life and how to have the resilience to get back up
  • Outsourcing - so you can shine in your area of expertise
  • Network marketing and how this gives women a great training ground
  • Investing in yourself (and avoiding burnout)

I just know you’re going to get so much value and insight from what Rachel shares, so hit play, sit back and enjoy. 

Connect with Rachel via her website or on Instagram

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Welcome to the thriving women project podcast hosted by myself Wendy Griffin. This is the podcast for women who wants to Neverland and thrive in all areas of your life. Help them business. Join us as we cover a range of topics, all inspiring you to thrive and not just survive. We are here to work on the project. Because I believe the best gift you can give your family in the world is a healthy and thriving. It's time to thrive. So hello everybody and welcome back to the thriving woman project podcast and I am so excited to have the incredible Rachel Chan here with me today on episode 13 of season four, to share more about her incredible story and entrepreneurial journey. So Rachel and I have known each other for many years, and I mean I'm such a fangirl honestly, like just she's the type of person that you follow online. And you just think I want to be her bestie and I'm so grateful to call her a friend. And together we have both grown businesses in the wellness space. And I'm just constantly being inspired by Rachel and even more so because she's actually so much younger than you would think she's so wise beyond her years but I'm gonna let her say hi, and we'll get stuck into her incredible story today. So hi.


Hi. Hi everyone. Happy to hear easier and thank you so much Wendy for that amazing introduction.


So deserves we had and just just tell the listeners a little bit more about who you are your backgrounds, and just really sort of how you've come, you know, to be here today.


That perfect. So yeah, for those of you that I have yet to meet. So my entrepreneurial journey started 11 years ago, I was a baby at the time. Baby. I was only 21 at the time and I was at a place in my life where I was definitely searching for something else. I really based in eyes that the world's opening device was not going to give me the lifestyle that I wanted. I looked at my mom who I am so grateful for because she's instilled in me the work ethic that I have today, but I looked at her lifestyle as a single Paden, you know, juggling key kids on our own. I feel team career as a nurse, and I just knew that I didn't want to follow in her footsteps because I saw a very overworked I saw a baby underpaid and really struggling to meet the demands of workplace but also family life. I think with a lot of people, especially 11 years ago, I did not see my path as being an entrepreneur. I had no background in business. I had no real confidence at the time in terms of compared to where I am now. And I also didn't have a specific skill that I thought right okay, I can tie that to see in a business. So my initial journey and to entrepreneurship started within network marketing within the brand that you know, we're both affiliated with, and that was really rare for me my journey really began and what that led me to was a huge journey of personal growth and development, but also a huge journey of huge transformation and change. You know, huge change physically and you know, and emotionally through the not just the wellness programs that you know, Arbonne offers but also through the personal growth and development that I was doing as a result. So the last 11 years for me have been completely transformational in all aspects, you know, physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. But it's been a journey that I am so grateful for. Yeah,


it's been so inspiring to watch and I think, I love what you say about you know, looking back 11 years ago, you weren't the person you are today, and I think sometimes we can especially as women, we can get sort of really comparative and we think well, you know, look at her and I you know I can't be like that but you cannot compare somebody's journeys so much further down the path than yours. You know, at the very beginning, we all start somewhere and if I look back to those early days, were both of us in business, it was cringe, like probably cringe worthy, just, you know, trying to figure things out and you know, muddle along, and I think overarching ly, it's just when you have that huge y which I know you and I both do that really is the driving force. So tell me a little bit more about, you know, what motivates you like, what is your why?


Yeah, I would say it's really changed over the last 11 years and come naturally for me The goal was, initially it was if I could earn an extra couple of 100 pounds a month alongside my fuel tank for the year. That was the goal because back then I was in over 13,000 pounds worth of overdraft debt at max don't see shouldn't overdraft. I was at a nine to five job that wasn't allowing me to live the sort of lifestyle that I wanted. Also, there wasn't enough at the end of the month to not only pay that debt off also afford for me to find my own home. So initially, it was an extra source of income. However, when I had my first daughter, that was a turning point for me and I would say that's when I discovered my first wife. I have always been someone that's been very independent, both financially and personally, you know, I've worked from as early as I could. So I knew after having my daughter, I still wanted not just that financial independence, but I wanted my own identity. I wanted to have a career I wanted to grow I want to destroy so that has been ingrained in me since childhood. You know that work ethic but also that that desire to achieve. And that was where my first lie was discovered, because I knew that I wanted a way to sell have a career. Build an incredible income and business but still have the ability to you know, be a mom and be really present with my child. So initially that was my way and it was about six months after properly making the decision to work my online business with Arbonne that I was able to achieve that and I left my nine to five job so that was the initial why and that was the aim, but obviously my Y has evolved over the years from Yes, being able to be a crazy mom, I've got two children now you know, my youngest is almost seven my eldest pain, which is just insane. So initially, that was the why and I'm so grateful that first for it. Sorry, eight years, I was completely solely fully employed. Arbonne was my one and only income stream and afforded me a really nice life. So you know, we got to spend the summers abroad and Ibiza. I was able to do all that you know, nursery drop offs pickups skill run so I was I was able to build this amazing online business, you know, grow in so many ways, but still be able to have that, you know, freedom to be a mom and enjoy all those things that we want to be a part of as your moms. So that was the initial way however, things changed, as life and seasons change. And I would see the next season season of my why was whatever key muscle located and so at the end of 2019 I became so well paid and and had to start over with two kids on my own.


And for me the way was to make sure that I could still afford to provide this applies so that I wanted for me, for my kids and Sal have that financial independence. And it was knowing coincidence that over that period of those three months actually after, you know making that decision to become a sole parent, we actually tripled our business revenue. So I think a why is this all so powerful and just quickly fast forward to where I am now. The way is very different. I would say my why is so much more than, you know, financial gain. Now it's way way deeper. And I actually find myself no longer being driven by the money and by the financial revenue figures. For me my wisely about you know transformation, and myself have been able to share the tools I have learned with other people as well and then impact and good also, I still crave that time and financial freedom you know as a mum but the way is definitely bigger in terms of impact.


I love that and you're so right you've you know when your why it just keeps you focused and crystal clear. It just It helps you to sort of really prioritize what's important and I know through that really difficult season that you went through when you became a solo parent you know, it was just so inspiring to watch your grit and resilience and how you were able to then you know work really hard. Buy a home for you and your girls furnish the home do all the things you needed to do and you know continue on in your journey and you know for me it's the same my why has changed so much as you say less so about the financials and more so about the impact that you can have in the world. And I think it's also, you know, a lot of entrepreneurs recognizing that things are going to change and your journey is going to evolve and that's that's part of it. That's the whole point of it. So just sort of touching on maybe some of the more challenging times for you just sort of picking up around that period. I know 2019 was a really difficult year for you. Can you maybe share a little bit more with our community around you know, a time in your life where you really were at an incredibly low point and what you did to pick yourself back up and move forward.


Yeah, so I guess to share a bit more around the kind of details of that so for me, obviously anyone who's made the decision to become a solo parent, you know, when you've built a life with somebody when you have children with somebody, you know, you don't go into that where this thought that that's ever gonna come to an end. So, you know, that in itself was an incredibly difficult decision. You know, when you think of the impact that's gonna have on your children and on your family. That was hard, but more than that, you know, the father of my kids, my ex partner was also involved within my Oracle investments. So we had our best life together, you know, seven years in the making, we developed a brand and a business together. You know, we built this family life and identities together. And there was a lot of fear. There was a lot of theater around, you know, what is life gonna look like beyond this? But equally, what are people gonna think? Or people gonna think about, you know, I guess, if I'm completely honest, I fear that I had because, you know, I have used social media to build my business and it was like, Are people gonna believe that everything that I am as a fraud because I guess we cheat identity of this, you know, power couple within our board and that was difficult but what I had to do is really practice non attachment. We are like, I speak about this a lot like we cannot care what other people think and you know, our life decisions cannot be molded by these things. And I knew for me that that environment had become unhealthy for me and become unhealthy for my children. And although the, I suppose path forward seemed really scary, I knew that like I had to feel the fear and just do it anyway. And what I will say is really what really served me in that season. So if I was to take you back to the end of 2019 and then when I made the decision to leave the family home, and I actually been to the house for a year. This was during a very uncertain season the vitals so this was just as we first entered into our first lockdown, of course, global pandemic. So there is so much uncertainty in the world and my own personal life and business. And honestly, like, there was a time I remember that day when I was like, okay, like this is a lot to hold. And I knew that in that moment, I had two options. And you've never heard me speak about this before. weigh in because I train on this a lot. You know, when life throws you curveballs you've always got two options. You can choose to become a victim of their circumstances, and you can wobble and whatever difficult challenges have come your way. And you know who I am that moment I thought to myself I've got a duty isn't like they to be a victim of this because best people so hard. But I also knew that choosing the other option, which was to look for solutions, find the positives in the situation and find a way to move forward and take action. That whilst in that moment, choosing option two was harder than option one, and the long run that was going to be the easier path. So I am so grateful throughout all of my life, been able to really reflect on my own mindset and choose option number two, which is to look for solutions, how do I move forward? And to really lean into that because I think every single person goes through their own form of heart, and they will always have published some way more hardships and what I'm describing right now reasons to become a victim of their circumstances, but at the end of the day, I truly believe if you choose that victim mindset, regardless of what the heart does, like only makes it more difficult.


Yeah. 100% and, you know, you and I have a very sort of similar backgrounds and upbringings in in terms of being raised by single moms and having sort of seen the struggle and you know been through this difficult situations and this is by no means a comparison for anyone but I love what you say there about you have the power to choose. And you know, I've you know similar to to you that 2020 was a obviously terrible year, not just a global pandemic was standing but, you know, losing my dad and everything to do that and, you know, challenges in business with you know, COVID and you know, all the things and like you it was that right? What do I lean into here? Do I lean into fear or do I lean into faith and just move forward? You know, trusting my gut, looking for the solutions. And, you know, for me, I know it was the same for you. You know, we both ended up having hugely thriving years in our business as


a result of that one case for a lot of people because they chose to the fear and at that take hold of them and you know, be with the circumstances around them.


I just think that's so important to hit home for our listeners that you know, and this is why personal growth and development I mean, Rachel spoken about it already quite a lot like a lot of people are always


like a bit woowoo like what is it all about, you know, but really, personal growth and development is minding your mind. It's equipping yourself with tools and strategies to be able to hope when life hits you with hard, you know, curveballs and I know sometimes people are like, I don't know how you still standing, you know, of the sort of life circumstances and things and it's like, honestly it's that resilience that you build and knowing yourself and knowing how you operate. So I'm just really keen because you know, you and I love human psychology and all those things. So just tell me a little bit more about maybe some of the personal development that you've done and what you've recently learned about yourself because you've been on such a journey and you know, the US IQ and design and all that or I believe that business like success in business, so much of it is psychology, because what we believe in, so in between our ears, is the difference between somebody who really moves forward and takes action and somebody who gets stuck in the fear. Like minding your mind is everything and this is where food is my entrepreneurial journey I have continued to and will always continue to invest in myself, with mentors, with coaches with people who are further on and different aspects of business. So whether that be an you know, business mentors, whether it be an expert mark is saying, you know, whatever it may be I'm always looking at ways how can I invest in my mind, how can I invest in myself and how can I invest my goal? So I'm a believer in that and for me, I would see that's something that has been a continual thing throughout my business journey. That means it has served me very, very real, but also in the past couple of years, especially especially the past year. And I know I've shared this with you, Wendy. I have done a lot of deep work in terms of really understanding my own unique human design, understanding my own strengths, also my weaknesses, so that when it comes to business, but also life, I can design my life and my business in a way that really works to my strengths. And also really understand and you know, what does work for me? So I'm a manifesting generator. I am an ENFP protagonist. And for those of you that don't know what that means, it basically means that for me, I need to do work that I know and believe has a bigger impact on the world. So I need to do work that's meaningful, and I need to do work this part this led this mission led. So when it comes to goal setting, you know, me setting a goal that's purely financial, I will not move for that goal. And I know that because I am tired that I've done the figures. I've put the stickies on the wall. You know, I've reminded myself every single day of that monetary goal, and it's not enough every single season a huge exponential business course has been attached to meaningful things for me. So I think it's important to understand, like, what is your unique human design? What's your personality type so that you know if you're not good at certain things as well, what can you also outsource a as we have to work in our sort of geniuses but there's lastly real so for me being a manifesting generator.


I know and I speak about this to somebody today, like we eat a lot in business like niche down just niche down and actually as a manifesting manifesting generator that doesn't serve me at all because this thought that I need to contain and a box and be a certain way, like that just doesn't work for me were actually as a manifesting generator. I am at my base and my energy is energetic. When I met my work life, my business life as diverse and this is weird for me. I know. As for supply experience coming out of the pandemic, you know, for years, my business like Arbonne was my sole and only thing and at that season in my life that served its purpose because I didn't have the space for anything else. So my so much of my mind and my life was consumed raising two young children under the age of you know, the influence. But when I made that decision, became a solo parent. And you know, I know share my time with my children, but also then a lot older, I have a lot more creativity in me to capacity. I started to realize that he went on to build my business was because I needed other ways to really spark that those creative juices and to get my energy in that place where you know, it was thriving.


So yeah, no, I totally relate to that you and I are alike. And I know, I know, there's a lot people often talk about multi passionate entrepreneurs, and then there's like, you know, for me, you know, having ADHD, you know, I always have to think offices and ADHD tangent or is this, but actually what you said there about, you know, where I get my source of energy, I can't just do one thing is why a corporate lifestyle didn't suit me because I've got ord doing the same thing day after day after day. I need that variety. And I you know, that's why I have two different you know, three to actually businesses, you know, but for me, that is what drives me and keeps my energy high and I think, what is so important from everything you shared there, it's just about getting clear on who you are like, what are your values, what's important to you, and actually setting your business and lifestyle to support that because we don't become entrepreneurs to then be a slave to a job and something we don't want to do we want you know, we want to have choice and creativity and freedom over our lifestyle. So that is so so crucial and important. And I just wanted to pick up on something you said there because the outsourcing thing, that's something that you and I are so hot on and so passionate about. And I know people often will say to you and I like how do you do everything? And I always say okay, let me tell you the secret and they're like, lean in almost with like a notepad ready to write all the notes and


I'm like, I talked.


And they're like, what? And I'm like, I don't I don't try and do everything because I know what my zone of genius is. My zone of genius is not ironing. Like that was in my marriage contract. I told you that I know. I know. you outsource your training as well. And you know, I'm joking, but it goes so much deeper than that. So just tell me about some of the things that you in your life. Outsource and I know you and I are like system queens. We you know and people often think systems mean restriction and you know, routine boring all that but honestly systems create low in my life. And you know, I love the quote, We don't rise to the level of our goals we fall to the level of systems and if you have a goal say it is to get fit and healthy. Well you need to set up the systems that are going to support that goal. Without them. It's just going to be the same old.


Yeah, absolutely. So wisdom. I'm a huge fan of outsourcing but also a huge fan of systems. And what I will see in the early stages of my business, yes, I have always used systems to run my life in business. So but I would say specially in the last year I've enhanced those even more. And so I describe it as like your life and operating your life operating system and your business operating system and so a lot of people will ask me, you know, Rachel Haley hold so much. So along I now have a lot of pillars to what I do in terms of my brand and my business. I have a lot of strategic partnerships with other female entrepreneurs. I run female empowerment community called debate trade and I have a lot of different moving parts to my brand and business. And honestly, the reason that I can pull so much is because of these systems. I use management systems to manage all of my life or building systems. So things like all of the logins for all of my social media accounts, my banking accounts, all of my documentation in terms of like road tax, mot, a life insurance, mortgage, all of these documentations I have digitalized and they're in one operating system. So I use a project management system called web which is the one for me that I found to be the most effective for what I would just go to take on me. Because as you know, Wendy, I am not a techy person. And I just guess it's really been the last year right where I've introduced these systems into my life for all these things. So you'll be amazed at the time that you wait when you forget your password or somebody says I need a copy of your passport or some form of documentation, you then have to go look for it and forth. And the fact that the sole digitalized and a document and one project management system for me means it's out of my mind. And it's on a project management system. So that's also one part but the outsourcing part is also a big piece. So I adopted decimated very on and my entrepreneurial journey where I understood that my time was way more valuable and also profitable. than whatever to me to outsource a specific task either in my business or in my life. That wasn't my zone of genius. So unlike things like you know if it takes you four hours to clean your house, can you outsource a cleaner you know once a fortnight come in and clean the bathrooms, do the toilets, and those four hours you can either use to spend with your family doing something that you love or work on your business. Just having that mindset of yes, there's a cost to these things equally. Like what is the return in terms of payment investment, moving the needle forward, or in terms of time investment for your family and for your loved ones, for the things that are important to you?


I know one of the things that you do is you know meal prep and delivery every week, Monday to Friday, and that might sound very, very fancy but Rachel does get a really good deal because she refers them so much to everyone that I know that that frees up your time your headspace, it also keeps you energized, healthy keeps you on track with your health goals. So that's really what the outsourcing thing is about is thinking, how can I best save time? And how can I use these things to support me and getting a higher output


energy output especially, especially when it comes to your and I feel like as entrepreneurs, I see some, some entrepreneurs really just not looking after themselves in you are your biggest assets. So if you're not healthy if you're not sleeping if you're not well if you've not got the energy and strength, how are you going to grow a thriving business? Yeah, totally. I actually did a masterclass the other day and I spoke about to a group of ambitious business owners like if you are not right now investing in yourself in terms of like, you look after your body you feel your body ratio, then that will be detrimental to your business and to your life. And I know that because I love that, you know, I hit burnout. I was the entrepreneur who prioritize the business building everything else, you know, wasn't filling my own cup. I was in the moment I was juggling, you know, bells, Ms. Global Business, and I thought, You know what I can just do that can just do it, keep pushing harder, harder, harder, hustle, hustle, hustle, and I didn't have good habits, arrange my health. I didn't prioritize my health and what I experienced was burnout. So I knew that after having my second daughter and really experience in that, that I had to change and I had to make changes. So now for me, my number one priority and my life, and this is going to trigger some people is me. That's my Hill. It's my well being. And I say that because for me to be the best mum that I can be and to pour into those two little girls. It starts with me far. So it's like that scene on a flight. Like Put your oxygen mask on first. Yeah. 100%


You're so crucial. And I think you know, I'm not triggered by that. Because, again, that resonates so much with me, but I know when I have said the same thing to people, and they're like, what, like, Well, yeah, like, if I'm not functioning, what good am I to the world and we know this conceptually, but really, when that that forms that connection, it's really game changing. Honestly, the more the more I invest in my health, I mean, I go to gym pretty much every day. I remember my daughter was saying to me, when would you go to gym every day when I'm at school? And I'm like, yes, yes, I do. And then my mother is sort of overheard you. Yes. It's very good and, and I just think, but honestly, that is one of the things that helps me in my life. And that is a priority. So yes, it does take some juggling and some extra work and I might need to sort of make up time and different points of the day. But ultimately, for me, that gives me the mental clarity and the energy. And yeah, it helps me to have a higher energy output. So it's absolutely a priority. I see that as an appointment on my calendar for my business, ultimately. Yeah. So just to end off today's amazing chat, you've shared so much wisdom and gold with the listeners. Oh my goodness. Amazing, is maybe you can sort of share your kind of three top tips for living a thriving lifestyle in your life, your health and your business.


Okay, this is like you plan this way and do because actually, I've trained on this many times and I speak about this a lot. And these three things I believe will serve you not only to tie in your business but also in your life and these are the things I have used throughout my life throughout my business but also when I have been through very difficult seasons. You know, the season we spoke about there in 2019 and 20. These were this the things that I absolutely loved by and this is what enabled me to really thrive during that season. So number one is What are you allowing into your mind so we've touched on mindset already your your business and also your your mindset is one and lost between what goes on between your two years. So what are you listening to on a daily basis? Like what is your environment like? Who are you surrounding yourself with? How are you feeling your body are you in basing on your mind? Because that really is the difference when you look for the solutions when you come up with the solutions when you approach everything with that growth mindset. Like that changes the game. So mindset is so key. So key number one, how are you feeling your mind? Number two is how are you feeling your body so again, we've touched on this throughout the podcast, if you want to be an ambitious business owner and you want to excel in your business or in your career, but also as a as a woman as a mum. You know, as a as a wife, then it starts with you for so how are you feeling your body? You know for me now in terms of my health is such a keystone pillar, because I know that for me to be the absolute base and all the different pillars of my life that are important to me. It starts with me filling my cup first. So how are you fueling your body? And then number three as What action are you taking? Because it's all very well, doing all the courses reading all the books, you know, eating healthy, meditating, creating, you know, doing all the things if you are not taking majestical action every single day to move the needle forward, then there's going to be no change basically. So, you know, mindset 100 An action and tensional action I love


that operating with intention is always that has been such a thing for me. I think sometimes we can get a bit bogged down with it, you know, having to set goals, but I think if you have the underlying intention with things that is more powerful, so amazing. I'm Yes, I totally asked you that for a reason because I love it. When you train on those topics and I love how you share about them. And I just think that is the perfect way to end today's interview. And I just want to thank you so much for being on the thriving woman project podcast. So just a quick one before we go where can listeners connect with you and find you so you can find me mostly on Instagram. So Rachel underscore limitless loving, you can find me there. And that is a platform that I would say I am the most active on a and yeah, it's probably the best place to reach out to me. Amazing and I know that your content is just incredible. People get so much from it so much inspiration you give so much value to people. And so definitely I will link to Rachel's Instagram account in the show notes so you can just click and easily follow it. And yeah, thank you so much, Rachel, we are so blessed to have you on the show. Thank you for having me. Thank you for joining me for today's episode. If you got value from this, please won't you take two seconds to take a screenshot and share a pic of this episode on your social extra points if you'd like to rate and review this podcast on your preferred platform so that we can share the love with more women wanting to drive in their lives. Do be sure to visit my website Wendy Griffith Dakota, UK to get all my free resources to support you on your tribe the journey. Until next time, God Bless. Take care of yourself and keep thriving.

About the Podcast

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Thriving Woman Project
For women who want to thrive in all areas of their life, health & biz!

About your host

Profile picture for Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith is an award winning business women, with 20+ years experience working in the marketing and wellness industry.

In 2014, Wendy chose to step back from the corporate world to create a healthier lifestyle that would suit her personal and career goals.

Wendy teaches wellness biz owners how to grow a thriving online biz - and as an accredited Health & Menopause coach, she helps women to create sustainable healthy habits to meet the demands of their busy lives.

Wendy is a self-development enthusiast, foodie, novice veggie gardener with a love for the beach. You can also find her striding through the Norfolk countryside with her dog listening to the latest inspiring podcast.